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I'm looking at Tiny leave and I still feel that my ear hurt and I rubbing it, I smile at Zero, he may be a little slow, but he have his use, I'm looking at Bear sighing as he looking at the car leaving, My brother have already left with Runt and I'm looking at Bear standing with his hand in his pocket and he look worried.

"Are you okay?" Flex ask and I see him turn around.

"Yeah, just worried" He say and I can tell it's more than what he saying.

"are we heading to the Range?" Wolf ask and we smile.

"Why don't we take the hole club" Flex ask and I see the others smile.

"Yeah we can team up and help them" Fire fly say and we see Wolf smile.

"Sure lets go" Bear say and We are all heading down to the basement and we are getting our sniper rifle and Ammo, we are going to the fire range and we are getting some good time.

"Son Relax Kat would only want to get to know your Girl" Wolf say and I see Bear looking at him.

"It's not that Dad, You think That Kat will keep quite? I mean not spill why I wanted to talk to her" Bear say and I stop And I knock on the wall and I know that he speak about something privet and I see them turn around.

"We are done, Are we heading down to the Garage?" I ask and he nod as I see Wolf leave and I see Bear stand like he think about something.

"Can I talk to you and your brother? I mean when my Bird and my sister is coming back" Bear say and I nod to him.

"Sure come on lets go" I tell him and we are gathering in the cars and we are heading down to the garage and not all of the bikers follow us to the fire range, I guess some off them are looking out for trouble. I send Loss lips to run his mouth, and I hope that he will piss off some of the bikers that are around or at least I hope he will have info.

We are hanging around the Fire range and My phone is going off and I take it out and I see it's a photo of Zero carrying Skyla as if she is a child and I show the others and they laughing, it just the start of the day, I'm checking the phone every time, it sound off and I see another photo from Tiny and it's of Zero and I see one that he is holding Cub's hand and it's with a snake.

"Wolf wasn't your Daughter afraid of snakes?" I ask and He nod.

"Well We know that Zero can talk anyone on into do anything" I say and hand him the phone and I see his eyes go big.

"Bear check this out" Wolf call out and I see Bear come over and I see his eyes grow big and I can tell he is surprised at this.

"My sister is a Teacher and I think she is looking at Zero and see one of her kids" HE say and hand me back the phone and it's when it's ring, and it's loss lips.

"Hey I'm back at the house, trust me, You will want to hear this" Loss lips say and I hope that whatever Loss lips found out I know it will be bad.

I don't say anything as I hang up I'm sitting with Bear and he look worried and I place a hand on his shoulder and I see him look up at me and I see turn to me.

"Everything okay?" I ask him and he turn to me.

"Yeah, it's just for a feeling about Zero, I trust my darling but it's just a feeling I have" Bear say and I smile at it.

"Don't worry Zero is Top Dragon's Dragonlinger, he is the only dragonling that have Three Father and mother, We normally only have one it's sort of like you Guys use Sponsor, for prospects. Zero can't really understand Dragonish, so Fucker took him up too and Then Pussy and then Asshole. Zero know she is yours, He some times act like a Child don't worry about him, he have trouble with personal space just tell him to back up" I tell him and he nod and I see him looking his hands.

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