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I'm looking at mother as she hand our Check over to Cody, I knew once Cody said that it was a training nest I would join Mother, and I smile as she turning around and walking back to her Ember, I'm looking at the other man.

"So what did they do?" I hear him ask and I look up at him.

"What make you think it was only them?" I ask and I see him look at me.

"God give me strength to deal with this" I hear him say and I smirk at him.

"You survived a Prank war with The Mother, and the top Dragons" I tell him and Pat his arms.

"Yeah, but I only got caught in two of them most of them I didn't see" He tells me and I keep my eyes as I see Bear place his arm around Tiny's waist.

"What is your name, and not really name please, We don't use them" I ask him and I see him looking at me and nod.

"Tools" he say and he do a hand signal and I smirk at this.

"She have given you a sign, so tell me what is your relationship with her?" I ask Tiny never told us this, because she was interrupted but Fucker and the other that I know is deployed.

"She said I'm a Uncle to her and the Dragons" he say and I turn my chair around to face him.

"Cunt?" I ask and I see him come up.

"True" Cunt say and I see Tools looking at me.

"Looks like we have to show our uncle around and introduce him to all" I tell him and Cunt look at me.

"I will do that, For I know more than you and please talk to Bitch she have a look of something is wrong" Cunt say, and I see it too and I wheel myself over to where fucker and Asshole are standing.

"So what's up with bitch?" I ask and I see them look at me.

"We don't know she seem sort of unhappy with something" Fucker say and I look at him and I see Bitch walking over to talk to Father of Dragon and I wheel over to her.

"Bitch a word" I say and I see her turn to me and she raise her eyebrow and I know I need to be quick about this.

"We have seen that something is off with you" I tell her and I see her do a face that tells me that she wish for something that we don't wish to know.

"You want me to speak to him?" I ask and I see her tilt her head, Telling me 'will you?'

"I will Bitch don't worry" I tell her and I turn around to see that Peach is making sure that Wolf is having a good night.

He is a old Marine and he should have our respect and I turning around trying to find The Ember of Mother and I'm looking at each men and I find him sitting in a corner and he look uncomfortable and he keep looking up at Bitch and then he take a deep breath and he look down and then up at her again. I wheel myself down to the corner where he is hiding and I hear him take a deep breath as I'm coming up to him, I see him holding his hand as he if hiding something.

"Okay?" I ask him and his head snap up and I see him look at me and I see him trying to hid something.

"yeah" he say and I shake my head.

"No you are not. Forgetting that I know Bitch as well as my own fucking body, so what's up?" I ask and I see him look at me.

"It's nothing" he say and I can tell his embarrass about this.

"Okay what's up with Bitch then?" I ask and I see him looking at me and I can tell his not happy with my question.

"You are not going to let it go" He ask and I smirk at him.

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