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I'm slowly breathing, as I'm slowly trying to feel what's wrong with my body, but my body hurt like fuck and I can barley open my eyes to see what's going on, I should have known that something was off when the text came to my phone, but under the influence of Alcohol, I didn't see that. I was so worried that something had happen to my sister. My throat is hurting from all the screaming and the water that they have been pouring over me, I feel someone check me and I know it's DOC, The wound from the knifes hurt like hell after they cut me, I guess they used salt or something else to make the wound hurt even more, I feel the doc move me and I can tell his checking to see that I'm doing fine.

"You need to allow him to rest for three hours" I hear doc speak and I don't hear the answer but I hear a knock on glass, I have heard it a few times I know I need to use a the bathroom, I desperate need to piss, I know that I won't be allowed out of the room and I hear the door open and I see the light come from a little flashlight.

"Drink slowly, you need to drink this" I hear a voice and I drink slowly and it's water thank gods for that, I feel my hand being released from the rope, I feel them release me, and I pull my hand in-front of me and I forcing my eyes open and I can barley see in the dark room and that's when I see a bucket in the corner and I know better that to piss in the bucket and I gently sit up, I have been trying to sleep.

"You need to use the bathroom?" The Doc ask me and I just glare at him, I was warned not to talk, I was allowed to code out with the word Puff, but if I talked my score would hurt. I gently trying to get my feet.

I see Doc looking at me as I trying to move my body but my body hurt so I'm lower my body down to the ground, and I'm closing my eyes allowing my body to rest, I know that this is the hardest shit I have to, I allow my eyes to close and I trying to sleep. I hear the step and I feel someone pull me up on my feet and I feel some someone chain my arms up over my head, and I don't open my eyes but I feel the punches started. I can take it beating I can take but I know that this beating is just a love taps, I know that the water is going to come back and I feel the pain from a knife, and I start screaming again.

I feel that they are moving me and I hanging in my arms because of the pain, I'm not chain to a wall, but in the middle of the floor, I breathing and I feel that my eye have been swollen shut and I feel the pain in my jaw I didn't know when they hit me in the jaw, I hear the sound of something and I feel the something hit me and it's cold and wet, I pray it's water and not something else, I know that dragons have a thing for fire, and I know that one of the water boarding was not with water, I tried to keep my mouth shut for that, I don't feel anything but I hear someone move behind me and I know that Dragons shouldn't be behind you, I hear something but I focus on breathing and trying to keep the pain away, that's when I hear the hissing the sound of fire, Fuck, I don't want them to burn me, I will not panic, I trying to struggle against the chain, and I feel them grab me and I feel them bend me over something and it's hurting even more because of the bruised ribs, DOC did say that they didn't break them but Hell they hurt like they are broken.

"All this will go away if you speak up" I hear a voice and I close my eyes harder even if I can't open them but I close them harder, I will not speak to them.

I feel something ice cold being placed on my lower back, and I then feel something slightly warmer being placed where the Coldness was placed and then the cold is back and I hear the hissing and I feel my body is hold me harder down and I feel the coldness leave my back and Then I feel something hot coming closer to my back and I start to struggle, Because this is something I don't want to happen, I don't want to get burned, but I'm not getting anywhere, I struggle but I then feel the heat of something being place on my back, and I scream as I hear the sound of something sizzling and the smell of burn flesh, I scream as I feel something behind pressed against my lower back and I know I'm screaming, I don't know what I'm screaming but I'm screaming until I pass out, from the pain.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now