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I wake up to the sound of a bell, and a whining and the bell again and it's loud and I'm looking at time and I see Skyla come running and give up her version of a Bark, I get up and I walk over to the door where Skyla now is ringing the bell and I take her outside for her to use her bathroom and I pick up after her and I throw it in the trash and as I'm get into the house again and I see Skyla running over to where Wolf are sleeping and she jump up on Wolf and she lay down sleeping on Wolf. I'm looking at the Clock and I know that we need to get the up and eat breakfast and I walk over to the coffee maker and I start making the Coffee and I open the fridge and I find the share shelf and I start to cook breakfast. I'm smiling as I hear the paws coming and Tiny have been hard on us not to feed Skyla while we are cooking or at the table. I hear her whine and I see my brothers coming and the only two that are not here are Tiny and Bear and I see Psycho walk over to the wall and he open a panel and he press two button and I see him wait until a light flash.

"They are on their wait down" Psycho say and I'm smiling at this.

"You have to teach me What button to push" I tell him and he smile.

"This is the only one that you need know, TCB room is always here, or you push this button means that the sound will ring thru the house" Psycho say and I see him looking at the stairs.

"Is it just me or did something chance between them?" I hear Ink say and I'm looking at them.

"I'm only going to say this once, I don't want to hear shit about what they do between close doors. Please just don't talk about my sister that way" I growl at them and I see them nod.

"Sure Viking, we just pointed out that something have changed between them" Ink say and I nod at them.

"Yes I agree with that but like I said, I don't want to know" I tell them and I see Tiny come down with Bear and he have pulled her close to his side, he know he don't need to show his claim around us but I see him whisper something in my sister ear, and I can tell she is bright red, so something most have happen to between them.

"Breakfast little sis" I tell her and she smile as I hold out the Coffee to her and she take it and sit down at the kitchen island and Bear take his coffee too and I see him smile at My sister as he make sure that she get to eat.

"Are you coming to the Garage today?" I hear Ink ask and I see my sister nod as Ink speak.

"Good We miss you and Skyla at the garage" Ink say and I see Tiny looking at each off them and I see that she look worried.

"We are not piss off" I hear Knuckles say and I see her turn to him.

"I'm fucking proud of what you did, you have to show me how to draw a knife that fast, can you?" I hear Hawk ask and I'm looking at my brothers as they are asking Tiny stuff.

"I told you that they are not piss off at you" Bear say and I see her smile at him and nod.

"What did you mean with oath braker?" I hear Knuckles ask and I see her get up and I see her get something and she place a photo on the counter and I see it's The Dragon with another girl and I see her point at the Girl.

"Who is she?" I ask and She point at Asshole and I see Wiz do a sign.

"Asshole's Girlfriend? She was His Ember?" Wiz say after he have got a nod from Tiny, and she nodding again.

"Wait That guy Enforcer was the Guy you caught her with?" Ink ask and My sister nod and she smirk.

"Holy shit, can we trust them to keep the Peace if they have a oath breaker as a Enforcer" Breaker growl out and I see my sister smile and she place a candle and a lighter on the counter before she turn to feed Skyla.

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