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I'm wake up, and I'm looking around for a clock and I see it's in the middle of the night fuck my body hurt but I know that it will be better in a few days, and I really need to use the bathroom and I gently try to slip away from Bears arms.

"Where are you going?" I hear Bear whisper as I'm sitting up.

"moorhtab" I tell him and I see him sit up and rub his eyes.

"Okay" he say as he get up and lift me up and I know I can handle walking on my feet but I will allow him to carry me but I will fight him to allow me to walk soon, because if I don't I will be in pain more.

I get done in the bathroom and Bear help me back to the bed and it feels so different that someone is taking care of me, sure we have taken care of each other before but this is so different, I feel him lay me in the bed, and he crawl back in bed with me and I snuggle into his body.

"I have missed having you next to me" Bear whisper and I roll over, so I face him and he is half asleep and I raise my hand and I see the swelling around his eye, I gently touch his cheek and I see him open his eyes.

"Don't worry about it" Bear say as he leans over and give me a kiss.

I pull him closer to me, I know that I won't admit it to my dragons, but I have missed him, Well I didn't have that much time to think during hell-week but once I was in bed or at least the few hours I got to sleep, I did miss him. I wasn't really raised to show emotions, sure The Roman Family did show feelings, but the Marines and the Dragons don't show emotions so showing Bear that I miss him is one of the hardest things for me. I gently reach over to touch his face, I know that he say not to worry about his face, but I know that he have been in a fight, the question is with who. I gently touch his face as gently as I can. I see Bear open his eyes again.

"olegnAeD" I whisper as him looking at me as he smiles at me as he pull me closer to him.

"Okay love?" he ask as he looking at me as I run my fingers over his face, and I want to be able to speak his name but I can't really and I run my fingers from his face up to his hair and I gently grip his hair and I pull him closer and he allow me and I give him a kiss.

I feel his lips against mine and I sigh as he kissing me, I have missed his touch and I didn't really knew that I missed this, until I feel his hands touching my neck and I trying to pull him closer and press my body but Bear is not really allowing me to do this.

"Easy girl" he whisper and I look at him with sorrow in my eyes.

"uoy deen esaelp" I whisper and I feel him stop moving.

"Okay, but you tell me if anything hurts" He whisper as he starts kissing me and I feel his hands moving over my body.

"esaelp" I whisper and he tracing kisses over my neck and down my body.

"Relax love, I have missed you too, let me take care of you" Bear whisper and I feel his hands move over my body.

I feel Bear slowly making my body respond to his touch, I feel his hand moving over my body and I'm trying to touch him at the same time but he don't allow it he slowly working his way down and I enjoy his mouth and hands, I feel his mouth close over one of my nipples and his tongue is flicking over it and his hand travel both down my body and the other is massage my breast as he sucking on me, and I feel his finger slide inside of me and I moan as he do that, the Bath he made for me when we got home after the week at the Nest, but this is what my body truly need to relax, I gently grip the back of his head and press it against my breast and I feel his teeth gently scrape against my skin and I moan as he do that and His fingers is working on me and I need more.

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