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I'm looking at my Brother's leaving, I know that Fucker called me during the night six days ago and I did call them back when I woke up but they didn't answer and I didn't thing more about it because I know how much we are doing when we are Deployed so I thought they where on a mission and that's why I didn't get a hold of them, I didn't call the Gunny or the Base commander or Cody, I see Bear look at me.

"Did you know that they where on their way home" Bear ask and I shake my head.

"No" I say and I turn to Runt because I know he will explain it for me.

"She thought they where on a mission when they didn't answer" Runt say and I see Bear nod to me,

"Cody is calling" I hear Goose say and I frown as I turn around to look at him and I tell Runt to deal with it.

"No sir, They called during the night and Gunny Wolf, Mother dragons Future father in-law demand that We keep Mama on Civilian time" Runt say and I hope that he will get Cody to understand.

"Prospect" I ask and I see Tools standing there.

"What about the prospect?" Tools ask and I just tilt my head.

"Ink go check on the Prospect, If Tiny's brother was that Stressed out as he seem, he may have taken it out on our newest Prospect" Tools say and I get help from Bear to stand up and Skyla is not leaving my side.

"Lucky that you where seated" Wolf say as I'm glare at him, He came with us to the last appointment because he was worried about me, because I was bigger than I should have been.

"Are you okay with walking again?" Bear say and I nod as he hold me close as We are walking again.

I have always loved Fair since I was a Child and When one of the Children from the School came up to me while I was shopping, and asked me if I would like to come to the School Fair, I immediately wrote down questions, and the Child answer all of them and I even invited a Class to my home, and I called Dragons to help the Class with baking, and the Class was worried that I would demand payment but Numbnutts made sure that the Kids knew that we didn't want money, we only wanted a Smile on their lips, I see one of the Children from the Class that we helped.

"Miss" I hear the sweet voice of the Girl and I turn to her.

"Come" she say and hold out a hand to me, and I gently grip her hand.

"Please don't walk to fast" I hear Bear tells the Girl.

"Not feeling well?" The Girl ask and I nod as she gently lead me thru the crowded of people all the way to the place where the Class have their booth where they have been selling the Cookies, brownies, sponge cake, roll cake, and other baked goods, they also selling crocheted and knitted item. Buster found out about the fair/fundraiser for the School and Buster have a bundle of stuff he have done over the years, this is Busters open Secret he do this to relax. Every dragon have giving them something to sell.

Iron side have Carved stone for them with Rune or any dead language, Jaws gave some smaller Bonsai trees, with tools that they would need to care for. Kitty Cat taught the Children how to do origami, and I see the animals that the Children have folded Left Eye, gave them some small sketching that he have made over the years of buildings and landscape Left Feet, offered up his Wire art, and some small piece of jewelry that he made. Peach was my biggest help when it came to baking so was Sherman, Tight lips had made every girls hair, and he even offered up to help the Girls for their Promes, I'm looking at the Table that is half full.

"I Found her" I hear The girl call out and I see the Class of children all turning to me, and I see that they have a big fluffy chair.

"We found a place for you to sit" The Leader of the children say and I smile as I take a seat.

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