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I made it thru it all and I was allowed to be deployed and my family was happy about this and I'm walking into the van when I see three men walk pass the line and no one is calling out to them that they are skipping the line.

"Shit are they back?" I hear someone say behind me.

"Well there go the neighborhood" I hear another one say and we are walking to the Vans and I see a few brothers that I trained with get in the van with me.

"Good to see you her Jermie" They say as we are talking all the way to the base and we see the three man group walking out off the Quarter master, they came from his cabin as if they are allowed in there.

"What the fuck is up with that?" I hear my best friend say and I shake my head.

"They most have been here before" I tell him and we are getting to the front and I'm looking at them as they are start checking our housing.

"You guys have to wait here" the Officer say and we stand off to the side and I see a younger officer that looks like it's his second time here and he start calling out the names off my brothers but my name is never called.

I'm looking at them as the Quarter master given out the key to others and I see the young officer that's is now looking at the list and he start to shake.

"Follow me" he say and I walk after him and we are walking in this heat and I don't like it.

"Sir I can do this" he say and He give it to another officer.

"Nope I'm not touching that" the next officer say and I hear them call more and more officer and then a Gunny come and ask what's going and he get the paper.

"Fine I take it, Come with me" he say and I grab my bags and I see him walking with me.

"The hut that you were going to stay in was destroyed, and I'm going to try to get you in hut 18, but it's going to be tricky" this man say nad I nod as I see the numbers, we have passed 14 and 15 and my friend's wave at me.

"What so special with that hut?" I ask and he smile at me and then I see that we are coming up to 17 so we are close and then I see 19

"Where is 18?" I ask and he smile.

"Well 18 had to be moved, Shit they have already started" he say and we hear the Music blasting.

"They normally play music for us to know where they are, don't ever walk pass this point until the allow you to come and go as you please without doing this" he say and I see the Airhorn on the fence, and He have to blast it twice before a light is flashing and we are walking again.

"We keep them here, and 18 is a special hut, now please wait here" he say and I nod as I'm looking around.

I don't hear the speaking from inside and I'm worried, I see the Flags that are flying, I never seen a Dragon on a flag before, and I'm looking at the chair that are sitting outside and the table even a barrel that they can use for barbeque. I see the Gunny step out and I can tell his worried.

"What is going on?" I ask and he look at me.

"Well They are going to talk it over" He say and I haven't seen anyone off them and I see him looking at me.

"Now if you are staying here, You have to be ready for anything, They are not like other Marines okay" he say to me.

I hear them calling for him and I see him walk back inside and I'm standing with my bag at my feet, I have three off them, and I see Gunny open the door and he wave for me to come inside and I lift my bags and I walk into the hut and I as I step inside, I see the Three guys that jumped the line for the Van and also for the Housing and I feel the Gunny clap me on my shoulder and I can tell they are piss off and Gunny leave me alone.

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