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I'm looking down on my girl as she laying in my arms and she is holding that ax in her hand and she snuggle against me, but I don't really like the Ax that she holding and I don't know how to get that ax out of her hand because I know that she will hurt me if I trying to get her ax our of her hand.

"Need help?" I hear someone say and I look up to see Buzz and I see him take my girls wrist where she is holding the ax, and I see him grip the ax and he twist the Ax out of her hand.

"Asswipe you know better than leaving your toy's around" Buzz say and I'm looking at them.

"I was teaching Mama's Ember how to use the Tomahawks" Asswipe and he take tomahawk and I see them take a step back and I'm looking at my darling as she grab on to my leather cut and I gently get her hand from my cut to my t-shirt and I feel her grip it even harder and I feel smile at how she snuggle against me.

"Ember remember don't move hear careful, when you move her" I hear someone say and I nod as I see hear my love sleep and I see Viking looking at me, and I see Runt smirking at me for some reason.

I'm holding my love close to my chest and I know that I have been acting more strange around her brothers but it's because I love her, I make sure that I have a good hold on my love as I'm getting ready to stand up because I want to go back inside and I'm want to snuggle in with her in bed with her, I know that moving her is Dangerous move, until they showed me how to move her and They told me that move her gently, is like deceiving her. So Move her like normally as I can, means that I telling her that it's safe to sleep. I stand up with her in my arms and I see a few of them get up.

"Relax" I hear Sherman call out and I see the newcomers turn to him.

"You want him dead?" I hear one of them growl at him.

"I have already woken up with a knife to my neck three times, first, Her brother where there to help me, the other two, I had to deal with on my own, but after a few of you have showed me how to move her" I tell them and I see them look at me.

"Trust me He know how to deal with moving Mama" Sherman say and I turn around and start to walk inside, but then I remember that my love never said anything to them where they could sleep.

"I guess that you all know that you are welcome to find a place a to sleep, I know that my love will have no trouble have you guys her, I don't know what room is off the limit, but you are dragons so you should know the rules" I tell them and I see Sherman nod.

"Yeah we know take care of mama" he say and I walk back inside and I give a whistle and Skyla is at my side and she whine as if she wish to stay.

"I know Skyla but bed now" I tell her and she run up the stairs and I shake my head.

"I could have put her to bed" Runt say and I'm looking at him and I smile at him.

"I know that, but My butterfly is trying to always get Skyla to sleep in her Cage, and that is in her room" I tell him and he nod to me and I walk up the Stairs and I see Skyla sitting outside her room, and I smile at her as I open the door.

"Come Skyla" I tell her and I lay my love on the bed and Skyla is open her cage, and walk in her cage and then she close the door by herself and I take a treat that my love is using to praise Skyla with and I smile as I give the treat to Skyla and I pull the blanket over the Cage and I don't lock the Cage and I know my love don't lock it.

I turn to see her sleeping and I have got used to undress her and The Dragons told me how to undress her to make sure that she don't feel threaten, I start to unlace her boots, I have got use to Take the knife out of her boots, I have got use to her knifes that she have on her and the Guns. I was told by the other dragons to always move the Knife to under her pillow and the Gun under the matrass or Side table depending on what is the best. I'm slowly getting her out of her hoody that she love, and I know that my love have her way to place her cloths and I know that I can't do her way but she have accept my way of putting her cloths away, and I'm getting her jeans off her with easily and I take off her socks also I pull her t-shirt and bra off and with her cloths of I get her under the cover and I'm looking at her as she sleeping, I bend down and place a kiss on her forehead, and I walk down to the Kitchen to get the water bottle, that I always have
my bed side. I hear the Dragons talking and joking around and I see that My brothers have gone to the room that My love gave them or they have left to go back to the Club house, I walk into the kitchen and I grab the water bottle and I hear them quite down as I take my bottle.

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