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I'm watching my darling leave with The two girls and I worried as I'm going over what she have eaten during the week she has been home, and How much, I go over everything but if she has a food poison, wouldn't I have it too, I'm not liking that this at all I see Asswipe and Numbnutts look at the laptop.

"I think that this laptop is for the panic room" I hear someone say and I hear that Runt is on his phone talking to someone.

"Panic room?" I hear Tools ask and I see Numbnutts smirk.

"Yeah, Panic-room. Come I show you" He say and I follow him out of the dinning-room.

I see that he start walking down stairs to the Basement and I walk after him and I see that Tools, and Knuckles are walking with me, and once we are in the basement, I see Asswipe one of the weapons lockers out and it show a door, I never knew that one of them could move and I see him do something and I hear a sound come up and I see him push something and I see him look at me.

"Don't close the door or we are not coming out until TCB get her, I have only the Access code to get in, not out" Numbnutts say and I see him step down on a steep stairs going down.

We are walking after him it's not to steep for anyone to walk down not even a child, The light above us is shining with bright light and We are walking down and we get to another door, and I see Asswipe pull out a wedge and I see him pin it to open the door.

"This door will not stay open, so we have to wedge it open, to don't get locked inside, TCB is the only one with the Codes to open up this Panic-room, Every dragon have their code to get in here, but if we don't wedge the door open, We will get locked inside" Numbnutts say as we step over the wedge and I see Asswipe flip the switch.

I'm watching as the room is flooding with light and This room is as big as the Kitchen, Living-room and Dining-room together, I see the big room and I see a Kitchenet and I see shelves stocked with can food, It's like a bomb-bunker that you read about, I see the steal frame. I guess that is bed, I'm walking around the room and I'm looking at everything and I wonder what made my darling make this room.

"It's a Dragon thing, when we make a nest, we make a safe place, for any Children that is in the family, This is the biggest one, I never seen a Panic-room as big as this before, Fuck we made one at the Hot nest too" Asswipe and I see them look at me.

"The Laptop that we was playing around with, belong down here, It's so that the once down here can track of intruder, and Also it's a link outside to world meaning that contact anyone" Numbnutts say as I keep walking around the room.

"Come on lets get back up to see if they have returned yet" Asswipe say and I nod as we are walking back to the door, I see Numbnutts take the wedge away and We walk upstairs and I see that Runt is on the phone and he is talking outside of the house and he seem to be okay.

"What's up with Runt?" I ask and I see Them turn to look at him.

"Leave him be, Runt will tell us when he is ready" Asswipe say and I hear the truck coming and I walk against the front-door and I see that Shelby and Bethany come inside but my darling is not with them.

I walk out of the house and I see that my darling is sitting in her truck and she don't look out the window she is looking down in her lap and I'm walking over to the truck and I see that she is sitting in the middle and since I know that my daring have trouble with her hearing on her right side, I jump in in the drive seat, and I gently place a arm around my darling as I'm watching her face, she look sort of out of it, I don't know how to explain it but if it had been any other women I would said that she is in shock, but this is My girl, I won't hold her to the standard that other girl are, She is unique meaning that she may just be deep in thoughts.

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