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I have seen Tiny come running into the Garage for three day now and I don't really get what the fuck is going on, she always getting under one of the Cars that is closes and once she have slide in next to me and another time it was Bear and I was worried that because Bear is always having trouble with girls coming to close to him. I shake my head as I'm parking my bike outside of Tools home and I hear laughing coming from the backyard and I walk around the corner to see what the fuck they are doing and just as I walk around the corner I feel something hit me in the Chest and I feel something break against me and my chest is socking wet, I'm looking up to see all four of them holding water balloon in their hands.

"Mih Teg" I hear Tiny call out and I frown when I hear her speak and that's when I get hit with four water balloon and I see the big black box with water balloon and I take off my Cut and grab a few water balloon and start throwing at them but hell it's hard with Four against me.

"Okay, okay. I give" I call out and I hear them laugh and then they start to throw against one and other again and I'm surprised how wet they all are when they run out of water balloon they get some cans and I think first that is mace but no it's Silly string and I get hit with it too.

"Hey Hey, Knock it off, I came to check on you T" I tell her after they have cover me with this silly string shit.

"Sorry, Viking" Pussy say and I see them start cleaning up the water balloon residue and then the Silly string and they get me clean too.

"Thank you, What is up with you Guys" I ask and I see that Tools standing inside of the house and he smirk at me I hadn't see his bike.

"You need to learn to not get in the fire line with those" Tools say as he open the door.

"Why don't you Get some Clean cloths on I made some Coffee" Tools call out and I nod as I see Tiny slip inside nad hurry to her room.

"That's the first time I have heard her say a hole sentence, but I didn't understand what she said" I tell them and I see Them straight up.

"don't fucking say a thing to her about that, because this is the reason she don't like speaking, She speak Backwards sometimes, meaning if she say Get him, it will come out some times 'Mih Teg' okay" Fucker say and I see him glaring at me.

"You mean she stuttering and speak backwards?" I ask and they nod.

"Yes it don't happen that often not when we where in the Marine's but she haven't spoke since we left, so it more common now okay just don't say a word to her about it or you will find out why We are called the fucking Crazy dragons, No one fuck with us." I hear them all growl and I see Fucker stand in-front of me, and they all look piss off at me.

"Okay I won't say anything about it I just wanted to know" I tell them and I see Tools come with Six cup of coffee and the Sugar shaker for me, I'm the only one that drink my coffee with Sugar, I pour the sugar in my coffee and I wait a little so it's a little colder so I can drink it and I take my first sip of my coffee and it's a big gulp of coffee but as soon as I get it in my mouth I spit it out and I start coughing and I see the men looking at one and other and Tiny is placing her hand on her hip and they are start laughing their ass off.

"What the fuck" I hear Tools ask and I see them almost falling over as they are laughing so much that they need to hold on to one and other so that won't fall down from laughing.

"We" I hear Asshole say but stop as he laughing too much.

'They Switched out the Sugar to salt' I read from a note that Tiny place in my hand.

"Come on" I say when Tools start laughing at me too.

"You have to give it to them, that they are getting creative" Tools say and I look at him.

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