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I'm waking up early next day and I roll over to my back and I see that I'm up to early, I can't make breakfast and I give up a sigh and I get dressed and I get the PT-Gear on and I stick my feet in my boots and I grab the phone and pull up the music and I place the earplug in my ear and I'm take my key's and I write a note place it on the table where Viking is sleeping and then I place another note the Kitchen table and I take off running down the street and It feel good to run again. I forget every trouble as I'm running, I haven't been running since I left the army. I'm seeing the sun rising as I'm running and I get back to the house where I'm living for a few weeks and I miss the marine training and I miss my brothers and I know that they miss me and I really need to get back on track with training, and also with my speech training, I don't like it because I don't feel safe with anyone not like the Dragons. I'm walking up the Porch and I hear shouting coming from inside and I unlock the door and step in and I see that Viking and Tools is screaming and I place my fingers in my mouth and whistle and I see them turn to me and I see Tools and Viking look at me and I raise my eyebrow at them.

"Where did you go?" I hear Tools ask and I frown I did leave two notes and I see that no one of them have read them and I point to the table and I see Viking look at the note, and they start to laugh.

"You did tell us where you went" I hear Vikings say and he give it to Tools and the sigh and I point to down the hallway and I see Tools walk down and come back with another note and this make Viking laugh.

'I'm taking a shower' I write and the I make the sign I have for shower and I see Tools looking at us and I jump in the shower.

I'm getting out of the shower and I'm getting my hair dry and then I get my hair put up and when I'm done I walk into the Kitchen and I see that Viking and Tools are cooking breakfast and I see not Coffee and I draw my hand along my jaw because I'm asking about Coffee.

"Sorry Tiny we haven't got the Coffee done yet" I hear Viking answer and I start making it and I make sure that it's done and when we sit down to eat, but I get back to the same drill that I'm use to and I eat faster then the others.

"Why don't you get in the Truck and follow us" I hear Tools say and I nod as I grab the key and I get in the truck and I see that it's garage coming closer and I hope that I can that bike are parked and I know that I'm going to work here and I hope that Tools will accept that I'm not speaking.

I see them park their bikes amongst the others and I park my truck away from the Bikes and I get out of the Truck and I see the guy's looking at me and I see Viking walk straight into the Garage and Tools look at me.

"Why don't you head to the office" Tools say and I nod as I walk pass the guy's and I can tell that most of them are looking at me and I just walk thru the garage and into the office and I stop and I close my eyes and I take a deep breath.

"T you okay?" I hear someone say and I turning around and it's Wiz I think and I see him sign the same as what he said.

I do the right sign to him that I'm good but I need to know, where the Cleaning shit, and I'm sign asking who running the office. And I see wiz thinking as he looking at me and the sign.

"Tools and Viking are those dealing with the office, the other sign I don't know" He say and I do the sign for cleaning and I see him thinking.

"No write it down" Wiz say and I see the notepad and I write down cleaning Shit and then I done the sign again.

"Well I don't know, Tools where is the Cleaning shit?" Wiz calling out and I see them looking at us.

"Don't think we have any why are you asking?" Tools say and I wave and they are looking at me and laughing.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now