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I'm looking at Girl I have come to see as a Niece walk back into the office and she leave the door open and I'm not sure of the others, Sure during the weekend I got to see a side of my niece that I never saw, She never backed down to keep them in line, but I couldn't see her as officer. I'm looking at the Men that came with her and The asshole that beat Viking came with a calendar, I wonder what that was, about, I see Viking is glaring at him as he walk over to me.

"Everything okay?" I ask Viking as he take a seat next to me.

"Yeah, Just worried about My sister" Viking say and I look at him.

"You know she will be fine, She can take care of herself, and with these men will make sure that her back is protected" I tell him and I see him look at me.

"How can you say that, That asshole fucking stabbed her" Viking say as he point against the one that they called Ass something.

"Asswipe not Asshole" I hear a voice say and this make Viking and me to jump because we haven't heard anything coming up to us.

"You are not going to survive the training" He say and We turn to see him sitting on the table behind us.

"What are you talking about?" I ask and I see him smile.

"Him will not survive the Dragon training if he is this easy spooked" He say and I'm looking at him his the one with darker skin, not like Duck-duck but still darker.

"Where did you come from?" I ask and I see him point to the forest.

"What are you talking about?" Viking say and I see him smirk.

"You really need to learn our names Sasquatch, because We have them for a reason" HE say and I see him pull out a knife, and a stick of wood.

"Well we can't really learn them when we don't really hear them that much" I tell him and he smirk at me.

"RUNT" I hear someone yell out.

"WHAT?" The man next to me yell.

"LUNCH" He yell and I see the Guy is that is sitting behind us.

"Where do you get your lunch from?" He ask and I can tell his getting ready to leave.

"We normally send one of the Prospect to handle that" Viking say and I see him pointing at a guy on his knees.

"If that is one of them are the prospect, then You can guess where the other are, I guess that the Piss Bitch off" he say and I nod to him and I see Viking looking at him.

"How can't you react to Him putting a knife in Tiny's arm" Viking growl and I see him smile as he take the knife and he give up a whistle and He throw the knife against one of the other guys and he spin around and caught the knife.

"Really Runt?" He call out and I'm see him smirk.

"Because that's how we are" he say and Jump off the table and I see him walk away to the office and I see him get the keys from Tiny.

I'm looking over to Viking that is still thinking about something, and I get up and I walking to the office to see that she is reading and she place the paper in different piles and I see her look really hard on them and I knock on the door-frame.

"You need post-it notes?" I ask and she nod I can't help but to smile at this.

I leave office to walk over to the Storage room, that Tiny cleared up and stocked up, with the office stuff, I walk over to the storage room with a smile and When I open the door to it I see order that Tiny made in this room and Everyone in the Club know that they are not allowed to stock up this room, We would buy the stuff and place it in the office and wait for Tiny to stock this room or she tell us to help her to stock this room. I get the post-it note and I'm walking back to the office and I see her take the post-it note and I see her write something and I see the name Chad, Dawson on one of them, and other names, Then I see year on each off them.

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