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I'm looking at Knuckles leaving and I know I shouldn't done what I did but I never forgave That Whore, that broke Assholes heart, The rules that we have for a Ember and it's that we don't allow her to ever date another Dragon or Dragonlinger, or the truth is that she can date but she will never be a true girlfriend or a Wife to one of my brothers I knew That the whore had a Twin sister, only meet her once and that was when we saw the Ember tattoo, and I almost destroyed her arm with fire, for that but she told me she allow me to remove it, and that she did apologize to us for disrespect us, She knew she was in the wrong and she never once after that disrespect a Dragon after that She did get along with us but her Twin was not happy, I see Bear looking at me as I look at him and I wait for him to yell at me.

"You want to explain what happen out there?" Bear ask and I'm looking at him and he look worried and I start writing and I know that this I can't speak.

Her whore of Twin sister was the Girl I almost burned to death, and it will over my dead body before I allow anyone off you to be cheated on, Knuckles blood have been blended with mine, This is something that means everything to us Dragons, Once our Blood have been mix The bond is there, and We will protect one and other to death, Knuckles is not a Dragonlinger or a Dragon but he is My brother in everything even blood, This means any girl that he will marry or make a Old lady, are not allowed to Cheat on him or I will Kill them. I told her she will beg for death long before I allow death to take her.

I give the note to Bear and I see him read it and I see him looking at me but I'm looking at the dragon on my wrist and I see him frown.

"Blood been blended?" Bear ask and I nod and I do the signal for Chaos and I have tried to make him understand and he nod.

"What happen when they took you two?" he ask and I nod as I nod as he take my hands.

"You need to tell Knuckles about that, but I Think the hole club is worried about what happen but I will talk to the others to make sure that they know about this, also I have to make sure that my tuxedo, is right, Psycho made the Call on who make it, and I told him about you and That the Dragon have made my status of that Ember" Bear say and I nod as I smile as I lift his hand to my lips and kiss it. Belly have helped me to become more confident when it comes to touching, I still are weary of going farther in the step to touch him, Even if I want to do more but I don't know how.

"I'm going to talk to the club why don't you take the day off with Your friend" Bear say and he lean down and he put his hand under my chin and he pull me up from my chair and he press a long Kiss against my lips I love that he is not shy with public affection and I allow him to kiss me like that and I rap my arms around his waist as he kiss me.

"Go home" He whisper and I nod as I'm walking over to the office where Wiz is talking to Belly and I see him look at me with a look of fear.

"I told you That Girl is a Twin to Assholes Ember and They are so fucking alike and To see If she was here She would be dead trust me" Belly say and I see him nod as I do a start sign to him and I tell him that I'm sorry if I scared him but it's a the dragon way and I see him nod and I see Belly tilt her head.

"You got the day off, good we can train more" she say and I nod as I walk over to my truck and it's now I see it's cleaned, and I know that Knuckles most have done it, I see them looking at me as I call Skyla and I see Bear talking to most of them.

I drive home and I see that Belly is driving behind me and as we get home She tell me to get into the training cloths, that she got for me for this training and I see her pull out a scarf with coins on that will make the rattling sound that someone would hear and think off belly dancing, I walk up to my room and I get the cloths that I have for this it's tight boy-shorts and a really skimpy Crop top and it have short arms, This out fit have those coin, too and I dress in this and I walking down to the Living-room where Belly is waiting and I walk with this jingle around me and I have the bracelet on and I have place the Dragon necklace on me now and I'm place the Earing on the ear that I have my hearing on and I see that Belly smile.

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