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I'm looking at the my love as she walking out with my Father and Skyla and my beloved, I know that this Sergeant that called her a Whore, is now worried, and I see the Enforcer are looking anywhere but at me.

"So how are we going to do this?" The President say and I'm looking at them.

"Well, First off I don't take kindly to someone call my girl a Whore, and I don't take kindly to strangers trying to touch my girl" I growl at them and I hear Knuckles, crack his knuckles.

"Trust me We mean no harm to your girl or the Club" the President say and I'm looking at him.

"Well from what I saw out there your men didn't even wait until the door was closed before they started push up on Her, and She told them to not touch her, and you had seen her with Our President" Ink say as he looking the Enforcer and the Sergeant at arms, those men was the one that Club hated right now.

"Kim sorry is not going to cut it, Not when it come to that Bitch" he say and I see them turn to him.

"You want to end your life?" his president ask and I see him look at me and I know that my little Bird will answer to Bitch.

"ENOUGH, you have fucked with my little sister, so what the fuck do you want from us? We are don't take kindly to your fucking around with someone we call family" Viking growl and I'm telling you that that man is a piss off for what someone touched is sister.

"We are sorry for the misunderstanding, and I promise we wanted to make sure that we have a peace between our clubs" the President say and he is looking at me and I'm not happy with them.

"That may be, but that's my Old lady your member was harassing, and My brothers all told them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't leave her alone not until she throw Coffee and Tea, at their face, and when she nail them to the Bar counter" I growl at him and I see him looking at me and his not looking happy, at me but They tried to fuck with my girl that I have been working on her to accept the affection I want to give her.

I wouldn't lie to her if she asked me if I want more then just a few kiss from my darling, but I will never push her thru something she is not ready for and if these asshole have destroyed anything between her and me I will go to war with them, for it. I see them looking at us.

"I can see that we are not solve this today, I promise that those men will be punish, and They will never be allowed close to your Club or your Old lady ever again" The President of the Devil Mc say and I see him looking at me.

"is this acceptable for you?" The President ask and I'm looking at him.

"I will have to ask my old lady, she is a blood-thirsty lady when someone wrong her, Viking do you thing your little sister would accept this punishment?" I ask turning to Viking we all know that Cody called them Fire hungry dragon, But I saw what Fucker and the other did to the men that too my darling.

"I think she will only be please to bleed them dry, but if she never see them again she will be happy or if they are coming close to her she is allowed to Kill them for what they done" Viking say and I see The Enforcer pale as I speak.

"Please speak to your Lady, and then please call me, once you and your Club and of course your Lady have made your call if you are going to accept the punishment" The President say and I see them nod to us as they are walking to the door and I see him pull the Knife out off their hands and place them on the counter.

"We are leaving, and you three are in the trouble" he growls and I see them holding their hand.

I'm looking at them as they are leaving and I'm see Ink and Wiz are looking at the door where the other club are leaving and I'm looking at Viking as he shake his head.

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