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I was woken up by my loves phone rining and she got up the second she hear it ring and she didn't speak, but what ever was said made her, start moving around, I'm laying here in bed with the cover over my lower body, as she is moving around and throw her uniform on the bed and I'm looking at my darling as she get dressed this is one of the days that she is heading up to the training nest and I'm still laying in the bed looking at her as she get ready and I see her get her uniform on and she turn to face me with a smile as if to say 'I'm leaving okay?' I throw the cover off me and I get up out of the bed, as I walk over to her and she look worried as I'm get close to her and I pull her into my arms.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat before you are leaving?" I ask and she shake her head as I step up to her and I give her passion kiss, once she have given me a answer, I really wished that she had the time to eat breakfast.

"Okay you will be home tonight right?" I ask and she nod and she give the sign for dragons, I can tell she hope that I will fill in the blank about what she was telling me.

"one of them will drive you home, of you get to tired" I say as a guess and I see the smile she give me onece I said it, I give her another kiss, hopping that this day will not be to long without her.

"Skyla is going with you?" I ask and she nod as We walk downstairs and Skyla is waiting for her with her harness on and I pull her close to me and I give another kiss.

"I will have dinner ready when you get home, Just send a text when you are on your way home, so I can get the dinner started and get a bath ready for you" I tell her and she smile at me and reach up and give me another kiss, I wish I could shower her with Kisses and affections but I know that she is still shy about it, I'm walking with her out of the house, I see open the door for Skyla and I see Skyla jump into the truck and I see my darling give me a smile, as she get in the Truck.

I raise my hand a wave her off as she is driving off, the sun has barley begain to raise, I smiling as I see the tail-lights of the truck. I'm watching her go and I can only guess what the phone call was about, and my guess is that Some of the Eggs fucked up and my love is going to make them pay for it. I smile as I walk back inside of the house, and I turn the coffee maker on and I grab the box that I have hidden in one of my jacket that was hanging just inside of the door, I have been moving this box around trying to figure out how to do this, I have a week before the Dragons are going to rat me out. I take my time to make breakfast to me, I just wished my love would have had the time to eat with me, but I guess I have to get use to her leaving like this. I know that my dad will be piss off that my darling is going back to work, Dad asked me to make sure that she was safe and that she had time to heal, but She is stubbornness as hell, I just hope that Breaker got me that Whiteboard I asked for, so that Everyone will know when she is up at the nest, and more important, I know where she is going to be. I walk upstairs  and I get dressed and I make the bed, my darling have been on my ass for not making it so, it's the first thing I do when I get out of the bed sure it's not like she want it make but it's enough, to make her happy. I get dressed and I get downstairs and I take my cup of coffee and eat the breakfast that I left to cool down a bit before eating it, I know that my darling is a neatfreak, but hell with so many years in the miilitary, I can understand it. Dad is the same, he made sure I knew how to clean, so I just falling back on what Dad taught me, I know that it make my darling happy to keep the hosue clean. I look at the box on the kitchen counter, I really need to make the right plans for this. I grab the box stuff it in my Cut pocket and I check one more time that there is enough food to make some dinner when she get home before I get on my bike and drive down to the Garage, and I see my brother all laying around sleeping Dad is sitting at the bar drinking his coffee.

"Where is my little buddy?" Dad ask and I smile at him as I take my seat at him and take another cup of coffee.

"Driving to the Training nest, she got a call from one of her brothers" I tell him and he look at me.

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