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I'm looking at Fucker leave with dad, and I see the others leave the room and I'm alone with Tiny, Normally One of them always stay with us and I see Tiny call the puppy to her and I see that she is walking slowly and I can tell that Skyla is tired, and I see my darling walk against her room and I see Tiny snap her finger at the bed that is place in a corner off the room and the plastic box is forming a shelter for Skyla and Skyla walk over to the bed and lay down and Tiny is placing a blanket down so she get her corner.

"Tired?" I ask as I'm looking at her and gently push her down in the chair that is in-front of the mirror and I slowly trying to start get her hair down.

"Yes" she say and I struggle with her hair and I hear the door open.

"Need a hand Bear, I can show you how to get it down" Fucker say as He looking at us and I nod as he walk over to me and stand shoulder to shoulder with me. He place my hands where the hairpins are and I pull the out and I see Tiny hold up a hand and I see Fucker smile.

"She is use to us taking down her hair, and Some times we need to put it up, I will teach you to take it down" Fucker say and I place the hairpin in her hand and then it's the clear hair-bands, and I get it out after a few minutes of struggle.

"is that Socks?" I ask and I see Fucker nod as I pull bun out off her hair and I see another hair-band.

"Trust us, she will make this in a few minutes" Fucker tells me as show me how to get the Hair-band out again but her hair is staying that way.

"Tiny Shower your hair is sticking in place" Fucker say and I see her get up and she is walking in to the bathroom upstairs and I walk after her and I looking at her as she leaning over and washing her hair and I can see that her arms looks and I step closer to her and I take the shower head from her and she look up at me.

"Let me help you" I say and she allow me to do this, I help her with her hair and I can feel how sticky her hair feel and I wash it until it feel as smooth as it was on the date we were on and I grab the towel and start drying off her hair and I see her stand up.

"Are you okay?" I ask and she nod and she take over I see the hair dryer in the box where her Shampoo and conditioner, and I take it out and I plug it in and I hold it out to her and she take it from me and once she start it, I can barely speak for it's so strong and loud and I see her get her long hair dry faster than I have seen my mother ever get her hair dry.

"Marine Corps" she say and I frown as she say that.

"Corps Marine staf os riah ym yrd nac I yhw nosear" she say and I hold up a finger telling her to wait and I trying to break it down and I think I got it.

"You can dry you hair that fast is because of the Marine Corps?" I ask and she nod and I see her smile because I didn't ask her to repeat what she said.

"You have to be able to dry your hair with in five min and it's done by countdown" I hear a voice from the others side of the door and it's Fucker.

"Tiny you want us to leave the water down for Skyla?" Fucker say and I hear the brush bang one on the table.

"Okay I pick it up" he say and I smile at her.

I'm looking at her as she is brushing her hair and I smile at this she is really relax, and she is leaving the Bathroom and I'm happy that she is relaxing around me and I know that something have change but I don't know what yet, I see Fucker hold out something to me.

"Those should fit you" He say and I see it's a marine t-shirt.

"That one belonged to Duck-Duck, he is the biggest one off us, Tiny normally sleep in one of mine, or Asshole's Shirt" Fucker say and I take it and I see that It's shorts too.

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