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We are getting back from a mission, We are smelling of death and fire this is what we live for, We are getting back to our Hut after we lock our weapon away we get in the shower and fuck it's hot water, I really wish for a cold fucking shower, Pussy and Asshole is sharing the shower with me and we are getting clean and once we are clean we get some of our ODs on and Pussy throw himself on the bed and he almost bounce off it, Asshole is throwing the bottle of water to us I just lay down when the signal go off, Fuck we just got back from a mission that took us three fucking weeks. I see Asshole give the signal it's okay to come up to us, I fucking hate when we do back to back mission and I hope that its just that we need to come in for debriefing. I see the officer come in and he look at us where we are laying.

"You have a few hours to clean yourself up, You are need in in the Com room, You are going on a link to the Dragon training nest, and I have order to make sure that you guys are there and Orders are Dressed to impress" The Gunnery say and I see him looking at us as we are get up from our beds.

"You know what the fuck is going on?" I hear Pussy call out and I frown.

"I only Thing I have for you is the Eggs have been collected" He say and I'm of my bed.

"Get the uniforms" I call out as I hurry over to our bathroom and I shave my face and I hope that my brothers will get their stuff ready quickly and We are ready with in half hour and we are walking to the Com-room and I see that everyone stop and salute us as we walk pass, Dragon have gotten a really good Reputation amongst the Enlisted men, Everyone know that we are willing to walk straight in to hell and Kick in the Devil's front door for any man in a Uniform, and They know we have done it more than once for them and we will do it again. I miss Mama and I see the Sea dragons salute us.

"Do you want us Sea Dragons with you?" he ask and I ask my head.

"This is only for dragons, You will be there with us when they get hatched" I tell Sarge and he snap a salute to us with the rest of the Sea dragons and I see one of them are missing

"Sarge you are missing one" I call after him and he look at me.

"We are missing Two, One thought it was a good idea to reject, another came to me the second he got the invite and left for the New nest" Sarge tells me and I nod to him as we step in the room.

"Holy shit, you really did get dressed to impressed" The Gunny say and I'm looking at him.

"Of course we are getting ready to impress the new eggs even if we are oversea" Pussy say and I see him hook us up so we see what the fuck is going on.

"Cody" I say as I see our Creator stand there.

"When all is done, Stay on the line, Because Someone want to talk to all of the dragons" Cody say and I smile at him.

"We stay on the line tell me how are they dealing with it" I ask and Cody just smirk.

"Got one washout I think, According to the other trainers, one of them left during the night or morning, You know that most can deal with the Chaos that you guys are creating" Cody say and I see him do something and I see that we are now looking at the parade Deck and We see the Eggs and I can tell that Dragons are having their fun with them.

We are standing and Listening to Cody speak and so is Father and Mother, and I'm her voice as she is looking at the tired eggs and I know that They are fucking the Eggs up, We are giving us the best side and we show that we are really proud of our brothers We are looking at the Trainers start yelling at the eggs and they are start to run, and I know that they will be in hell for this. I'm looking at my brothers as we take our seat around the table and we see the meeting room come into view for us and I see Bear coming in and I smile at him.

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