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I'm looking at Tools as he leave on the bike and I take a deep breath as I know that I won't get to sleep so I'm getting ready for the day, I have got use to my routine, Cleaning up the house then go for a run, after that I head to the Garage and as I open the door I can't help but to smile they have bought the same amount of cleaning and I get to work and I get the garage floor clean and then the tools clean and then I get the window clean and I get the Kitchen in clean. I have been working for a few hours and then I walking in to the office and I see the mess that they left me and I straight it up, and I'm out of cleaning supply and I write another note telling them I need new supply again, I'm getting home and I really want a punching bag and I get the key to the truck and I jump in and I drive to the next town and I find a punching bag and I find other training stuff that I need and I drive back home and I smile at this, We always have had a training place. I open the garage and I'm looking around as I'm starting making this Garage to my training space and I get the punching bag and I get the rope up In the backyard and I keep doing this so that I can keep up with my training, I hear a bike coming and I grab the gun and I see that it's Viking stepping off his bike and I see him walk up to the door and knock on it.

"Tiny are you there?" I hear him calling and I unlock the door and Open it for him and he step in and he smile at me as he walk in and he holding up something that look's like Chocolate and I make my sign for Chocolate sugar and I see him frown.

"Thought you would like sweet since We woke you up to get to Tools" he tells me and I smile as he look at me and I draw my hand along my jaw asking if he want coffee.

"Sure" he tells me and I shrug as I get the coffee for us both and We both sit down.

"shall we try again today, but we are not working you into a nosebleed today" he say and I nod as we start again.

The training we are doing is really hard for me I still haven't got out yes or aye, I don't even get out No, But Viking's taking his time with me and as soon as he see the pain in my face he tell me to stop and take a deep breath and he give me a water to drink, and I see him look at me.

"You are doing good" he say and I don't believe him.

"Sir" I get out of my lips and I see Viking's Eyes go comical big and then I see the smile on his lips.

"You did it" he say and I can tell his happy and I feel really happy, it's my first word since I was shoot in my head four months, I have been with Tools for two months.

"Yes" he say and I see him get up and he behave like I said something special to him.

I feel a blush as he's smiling at this and I swallowing again and I try to say it once again I did try to tell him yes sir but it became out Sir, and I'm trying once again.

"No Tiny it's enough for today" he say and I nod as I get up and I feel under my nose and I'm not bleeding and I get up and I walk over to the garage and he looking at me.

"Where are you going?" Vikings ask and I show him the Garage and I see him looking at my training space.

"You made this today?" He ask and I nod to him and I see him looking at me as I'm getting, ready to start hitting that punching bag and I see him holding it.

"Give it your all" Viking tells me and I slam my fist straight into the bag and Viking take a step back.

"Was that your all?" he ask and I shake my head and he nod.

"Come on give it you all" He tells me and I take a deep breath and I slam my fist straight into the bag and Viking end up on his ass and I blush.

"Where did you learn to punch like that" he ask and I walk over to the bag that Andersson place here and I take out my first EGA, and I place it in his hand and I see him looking at me.

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