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I'm looking at Dragons destroying a few trucks that have been destroyed in attack's but I know that the Dragons are taking their anger out. I still remember the first Time Dragons where standing on a tank and Swinging with a hammer at the tank and I was told never to go near them, I was told that they are Crazy and Dangerous, and never to be alone with anyone of them, I also remember when We got in trouble and we radio for help but what denied, until I heard the Words that would change my life, Dragon Code I didn't know what that at the time, but I still remember how they came to the rescue, by them, One of my crew was missing and they asked where he was taken or lost and I still remember the look on The Tiny Crazy Women that look at me and turned on her heels, She walked straight into the hospital, and collected My brother, with only one of them backing her up, the other Two was protecting us. I still remember that day I hear the hammer hit metal, They would destroy anything that was already destroyed, I remember when they came and saw us in the hospital to make sure that we was okay.

"Sarge are you okay?" I hear my team ask and I'm looking at them.

"Yes, I'm going To see Mother of the Dragon, Anyone of you are welcome to join at the training nest" I tell them and I see them nod at me.

"We see where we are going" I hear them tell me and I slowly get my gear together and I lift my bag and I see my brothers look over my shoulder and I turn around to see The Dragons.

"Got your order?" I ask Fuckers and he shake his head.

"No, Can you talk to Cody for us? I really want to get home, and Please tell my sister I'm will be come home soon" Fucker say and I walk over to him and give him a hug.

"I will, don't worry" I tell him but he grip my arm and he walk with us to the airfield and I get ready to stand in the line but Fucker is pulling me pass the line and I'm looking at him.

"Fucker you are not on the list" I hear the officer say with a sigh.

"No but Sarge is, and he is not waiting in line" Fucker say and I see him just wave us thru the line, we are getting first on the plane and I see Dragons wave us off and I know that Fucker really want to get home, and I know he will hijack a helicopter if their Creator don't call him home soon.

"Take care of My sister, I will make it home before she give birth, No matter what the it takes" Fucker tells me and I nod to him as I get on the plane.

"I know, Stay safe brother, I will go and see Creator and Father, then I will go to see Mother" I tell him and I wave at them as I take a seat.

I sit down in the plane and I see my Team take their seat around me and they shake their head at what just happen I lean back in my seat and I close my eyes and I fall asleep, I know that it going to be hours or days before I come home. I miss my sister, but not my parents, I'm happy that my sister is not living close to our parents, I hope that my sister will forgive me for not coming home straight to her, but she know that I own my life to the Dragons and she know that. I feel someone poke me in my side and I open my eye.

"Sarge we are landing" My friend say and I nod as I make sure that I strapped in my seat.

"Thank you" I tell my friend and We are landing and I stretch out my body as we are getting ready to leave the plane, I'm looking at the time, This is the worst part of getting used to the Civilian time, but If I get my ass to the Training nest I don't have to switch time.

I get my bag and head to next airplane, I don't know how long I have to wait until I get on the next plane, I get some coffee and something to eat, I check with my brothers and I see that my Brothers all get on their ride home and I get on mine, We all should be shipped back together, but I'm heading to the Training nest, Because Fucker is going to hijack the helicopter to get home to Mother Dragon. I Get on the Airplane again, I take my seat next to a old lady.

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