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I'm so piss off right now as I'm making my Brothers walking in-front of me as I'm hitting them in the back of their back because I can't reach their back head's to hit, and they are walking to my truck and they get in they know that I'm piss off with them and they know it so they get in the Truck without question and I get in the Truck and I'm driving home and I see them looking at them thru the mirror and They are hanging their head, We don't ask for forgiveness, We don't do something we don't mean, this is why I don't believe in Cheating and this is why I almost buried down Our old house when I found that Assholes Girlfriend cheating on him. I'm waiting for them not to explain.

"TCB?" I hear Asshole say and I look in the mirror and I see him looking in my eyes.

"I know that we don't ask for forgiveness, we don't say something we don't mean, and The only thing we have is our Honor and Our Rules" Asshole say and I nod to him as I park the Truck outside Tools home.

"But They don't know you as we do, We need them to see the mean mother fucker We all know you are" Asshole say and I turn to him and I cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness or anything, I'm just telling you why I did what I did. The Dragon rule, Say what you mean, Mean what you say remember?" he tells me and I nod as I'm looking at them and Then I make the sign for hell week and he sigh and nod to me he know that I'm about to fuck him up.

"Yes Mother dragon" he say and bow his head and I nod as I'm walking into the house and Fucker is bleeding from his eyebrow, MY speech training, and I got piss off. It's not just that I stutter but sometimes I also speak backwards, that means that my sentences sometimes start where it should end and the word are spoken backwards too.

"Your lesson didn't go so good did it?" I hear Pussy ask and I look at him as I take a deep breath.

"Deneppah tahw tuo erugif nac uoy, on" I say to him and I see him swallow and Fucker place me next to him and give me a soda and I nod.

"Shit not this again, Yeah I can figure out what happened" Pussy say and he walk down the hallway and when he get to his room and then he come back with a teddy bear that I was mine, I had lost it but Pussy give it to me.

"Here you forgot, little Bastard when you were shipped home," he say and I smile at my little teddy bear, he is dressed in Cammies of the Desert, and he have his Eagle, Globe and Anchor in a soft fabric patch, and he have his rank on the arm too, I love that little bear, he also have a Dress blue uniform too, Fuckers and my mother made it for me.

"Uoy knaht" I say and I know I should speak more but I'm embarrassed by this, speech problem, Viking my Blood brother only know that I stuttering not about me speak backwards.

"Why don't we call it a night" Fucker say and I nod as I go back to speaking in my own made up Language and ASL.

"Remember the first time the Drill Sergeant heard you speak backwards like that?" Pussy ask and we laugh at this memory.

"I'm getting to bed, why don't you too get to bed Tiny, I know that you are tired" Fucker say and I nod as I'm getting to my bed and I'm falling asleep and I hope that my speech will get back to what it once was, and that means only once in a while I would speak backward but I would speak with a stuttering most of the time, I'm so happy that I have my brothers back.

I wake up and I look at the time, and walk into the Kitchen and the first thing I walk in to is a Plastic rap that was put across the doorway, and I feel the sticky substance on it, it's like a syrup and I sigh, Fucker, I'm going to get you back, I walk over to the sink to watch the syrup off my face and I feel the water hit me in the face because someone did put a stick of tape over the faucet, so it ran down the Sink but was flying everywhere, This most have been Pussy. I turn around and walk in to the Bathroom up stairs and wash off the syrup and I get a new T-shirt and I walk back to the Kitchen to start making the Coffee and I get the coffee going and I open one of the Cabin start open the cabin that's when I hear something moving and I look up just as the first ping-pong ball is falling down on the counter and the sound of it bouncing on the counter and I take a step back forgetting to close the cabin door and The door open and I see the ping-pong ball all fall out and I growl out as I'm looking at the ball's on the floor, and I hear someone trying to suffocate the laugh and I turn to see Fucker, Pussy and Asshole standing there with Tools.

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