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I'm waking up and I looking at the clock I'm sigh it's to early but I have got enough sleep so I'm getting up and I start to make my bed and I'm again I'm woke up to early and I know I need coffee and I walk out off my room dressed in jeans and T-shirt and with a big hoody over it all, because of my plastic cast, but as soon as I'm walking into the Living Room I stop and I see the mess off yesterday, and I close my eyes and I hate mess, so I start to cleaning, the Living room table and I throwing the trash away and I get the Coffee started and I'm looking at the coffee pot and it's clean. I'm getting the stuff for the coffee and I'm looking around the Kitchen and I start cleaning it and when I'm done with that I start to cook breakfast and I hear foot step and I really want to have my berretta so I would have some safety.

"You don't have to clean or cook" I hear Tools voice and I look at him.

"I mean it" Tools say and I look at him and I take the Note pad and I start write.

'Like to keep things Clean' I write and throw the note pad at him and he caught it.

"Looks like we are going to have to buy notepads too" he say and I nod as I put the breakfast on the table.

"Right if you are ready. To leave?" he ask and I shake my head and I point at the mess after breakfast and he nod.

"Okay we are cleaning this up and then we are going" he says and We clean it up really quickly and he give me the Keys to the truck.

"Here is the Key to the house too, the Truck is a gift from Andersson, it's yours" he tells me and I nod at him.

"Okay, Follow me" he say as he get on his bike and I get in the Truck and I start it up and I drive after him.

I see him drive pretty slow thru town and I think he doing it for me and I'm driving behind him and as we pull up to a garage I see that a few bikes are already parked outside. I park my truck as far away from the bikes as I can and I get out of it and I see that The Guy's are looking at me as I get out and I therefore I wore a big hoody and I have the hood up as if I'm hiding, and I see Tools walk over and do a few handshake and a few man hugs with the men that is standing at the garage doors and I see him wave for me to come to him and I walk over to him and I really don't like what I see if I though that Tools was big, this men are even bigger.

"You all remember the Call I got from my Dad's Friend Andersson?" I hear Tools say and they are nodding.

"This is Tiny, She will be staying with me, and she will help around here, but not before her arm is healed, Andersson never told me what have happened to her" Tools say as I'm coming up to him and I just looking at them and I really need a my gun but It's packed down in one of my bags.

"Tiny meet My brothers, Viking, Butcher, and Kickers" Tools say and I'm looking at them as he say their name and I give them a shy wave and I see that Viking are looking at me with hard eyes.

"She don't say much" I hear one of them say and I turn my eyes on them they are big but I know if I can get thru the Marine training I can take them on.

"Andersson said she had some sort of speech problem, I haven't heard her say a word, but she get her point a cross when she need to" Tools say and I see that one of them get up and he have a SAA on his chest, if I'm guessing what that means it would be Sergeant at arms.

"I would like a word with her" I hear Viking say and I tilt my head and raise my eyebrow.

"Grab one of the Notepads Viking for she won't speak" Tools tells Viking and Viking is waving two finger at me to follow him and I know that I have no choose but to follow and He walk into the office and close the door behind me and I standing as I'm looking at him sit down and He point at the Chair and I take my seat.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now