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I'm walking in-front of my brother in arms, I know that most of the Delta are still at the place where The Chaos crew and they are watching them, I'm walking straight to the Sleeping nest, I step into the house and I see every biker just looking at us as we step in and take off our shoes.

"MAMA FACE OFF" I hear Psycho yelling and I give him the hand sign for shower.

"Yeah Girls are cooking" Psycho say as I walk straight up stairs and I walk pass Bear, I don't want him to see me like this.

"Don't, let her get it off her" I hear someone call out and I take the stairs quicky and into my room and I strip out of my cloths and Into the shower.

I know this is my last time in the First Dragon nest and When doc told me that I had 85% hearing lost I hit him straight in the nose and then the Jaw and I know I cause him to bleed, he got the blame for what the Marine that destroyed a good night for me. That was the first time I have really didn't want a night to end, I shower off the mindset of the marine and I get out of the shower I know that Cody will be here, We calling him Creator. Major Chris Andersson is our Dragon Papa and I'm the Mama of the Dragons. They say Cody and Chris was the creator of us, but I was the mother the one that keep us together and I was the leader, I hear someone calling from the room and I know it's not one of my brothers this is one of the bikers. I grab a towel and pull it around my body and I see that it's Bear standing in my room and I see him look worried.

"Are you okay?" he ask and I give him a nod as I'm still have the towel around my body and I know my hair is wet and I really, don't want him in here while a get dried off and get dressed.

"Dinner is almost done, Wait outside" bear say and I see him leave and Close the door and I start dry off and I know that Cody is waiting down stairs and I get my hair braided and I get in my cloths and as I open the door I see Viking and Bear both waiting for us.

"Jackass is here" Viking growl and I smile at this, everyone call Cody Jackass before they know him. I give my brother a hug.

"dab ton si ydoc yrrow t'nod" I say as I let go off my brother and he look at me.

"I want to speak to you later alone" he say and give me a kiss on the head, and he walk off leaving me with Bear.

I'm slight worried about what he will say now. I know that our night was fucked up because of my work, but also I don't know what to think about the way he kissed me, I won't lie and say I didn't like it because I loved the kiss, also the way he made me feel like I matter in the tower after I have got the news of my hearing and then he held me so I would get some rest before the Lunch and he just was there for me not saying anything just calming me down, Fucker would do that but not like Bear did and We haven't spoken or anything after that. So I wonder what he is going to say now.

"Little Butterfly calm down" I hear Bears voice say as I see him stand in-front of me and he gently pull my head up so I'm looking at him, and raise a eyebrow as to ask now what.

"I hope that even that jackass, destroyed our night out, you enjoyed it?" he ask and I nod to him and he smile at this.

"I only took me over 10 months for you to go out with me" he say with a smile, I feel him let go of my head.

"BITCH GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR" I hear Pussy calling and I want to kill that man and Bear let go of my arm as I walk over to the railing and I see him standing right below and his not looking up big mistake, I jump the over the Railing push him away from me as I jump and he fly into the table.

"BITCH" he yelling as he turning around and I smirk at him and he stop.

"Yeah that's on me" he say and I smirk at him and I see Cody standing there.

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