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I can't believe that Bear gave us Absinth but hell it was a good drink, I know that each of us wanted more but he only gave us a glass, of this and when he gave me the phone telling that Viking had sent a text to me and I'm not sure off what to think about the text but I know I should answer my brother but I can't not think about this yet for I need to keep my eyes on my brothers. We are all sitting at our own table, It's a rule that Dragon will have their own table to make sure that We are keeping calm and we are calmest when we have our backs protected by our brothers, Bear is smiling at me as we have take our place. Sherman is sitting across from me and he is not the only one that have wound from the war, but he is the only one that is in a Wheelchair, and Two Thumbs had lost his thumbs before the he become a Dragonlinger, but others lost a eye or a arm and one of them lost a foot but not his leg another lost his hole leg, others are have wounds in their face and body, I know that I have a few of my own scars and I'm looking at Sherman and I start to speak the way Dragons learn and we call Dragonish, and I see Sherman looking at me and he understand what I'm saying.

'Sherman, will you make sure that the your car is full, I have room enough, for them, I know that my car can't take more than what I have' I tell him and I see him nod and Then I hear him start knocking on the table in morse code.

'I want tight lips there' I tell him and tilt his head.

'You know that if tight lips go, so do loud mouth and lose lips' he tells me and nod at him.

"Are you speaking that Dragonish?" Bear ask me and I nod as I turn my head to him and I see him smile.

"I never going to be able to understand it all" Bear say as we are getting the plates and I see the food that we are getting.

"You will learn the longer you are with Bitch" Sherman say and I smile at him.

"I have to believe you, but it will take time, but I think I will earn to understand her speaking backwards that the dragonish or what you are speaking calling it" Bear say and I hear the knocking but I'm looking at Sherman to speak what the nocking say.

'Loud mouth, lose lips and tight lips are coming, Asswipe, Numbnutts are joing us too, the others are heading to the new Training nest." Sherman tells me and I nod.

'Good, I was hoping for those, I need them to be ready to fight my blood brother, I hope you are up for it, he don't really believe what I'm capable of' I tell him and he nod to me.

The Dinner is really quite and I know that Fucker is sitting one seat out from me more than he should have for he allow Bear to take the seat next to me, even if it's the Side I have less hearing but Sherman is helping me by speaking in dragonish what Bear say to me and I smile at him, I smile at this we are sitting together as a family again, We haven't been together here since We had finished the Training of Dragon, We all split up after that the Dragon training, and the first Ball we had come to and I see something hit my plate and it's a pea, it's a dragons way of getting this boring dinner fun and I'm place my spoon so I can do a, primitive catapult, and I send a Pea back down the table, and this make more pea flying, across the table and I see them coming.

"DRAGON" I hear Cody growl out and I see him standing close and I see the carrot that had landed on his jacket.

"Mother please control them" he say and walk away and I look at Sherman and then we start laughing.

"Was this how you got banded from coming here?" Bear ask and I give Sherman the word to tell Bear.

"No really, You see the Sergeant Major over there?" Sherman say as he point at another the Sergeant major and I see Bear nod.

"He took on of the Dragon tactic maneuvers, and told everyone it was his, and he claim the honor for it, and he looking down upon us, so We took it up on ourself to make sure that he knew he fucked up and He fell asleep like that, so we started to throw pea, or others things on him but Zero Thru mashed potatoes at him, Fucker and Asshole did it too so that he wouldn't be the only one to get the blame, We take care of our brothers" Sherman say and I'm smiling at this story.

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