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When mama left with her Ember, I know that we haven't given them much time alone and I guess they need it, I see Knuckles look on his phone.

"Fuck it's Wednesday" he say and this make me frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask and I see that each of the dragons looking at him.

"Oh it's just that Every Wednesday, Bear and T, head to a special place, and they go every Wednesday, for a few hours" Knuckles say and I'm looking at the others.

"Don't worry The man owning the bar, know ASL and he have our numbers, he call us if Tiny get To drunk, the Bartender know to call us it happen" Knuckles say and I nod to him and I see Sherman writing down a new list.

"Are you sure about that?" Mutt ask and I see him sigh as we are looking at them not trusting him.

"Yes ASSWIPE, The Bartender is a Trusted brother Trust me I have been there" Cunt call out and this make us relax.

"We are heading to the nest and start the dinner, Runt you mind see what you can find?" Numbnutts call out.

I see Runt give up a whistle and Skyla go with him and we are gathering up our stuff and we are heading to the nest and we are all getting in the cars and Sherman is the one driving at point and We are getting into the house and We are going thru the kitchen and We are getting the Beer from the other Fridge and I even send a few of them to get more, and other stuff, We get the dinner ready and Sherman is calling Mama, and then send the Text this is something we always do, and I'm smiling as we are drinking and I hope that Mama is coming home, I see Buzz, Joe and Skip doing something out in the backyard and Sherman is calling Mama and her Ember to get a shower and Knuckles looking at us.

"Yeah it's a Dragon rule, when you are out doing whatever, you take a shower before table, so we don't take what ever happen out there to the dinner table" My brother say as we are taking the seat and mama and her Ember have the two best place around the table.

We are eating and I can tell that mama is happy, it's that little twinkle in her eyes that she only have when she is happy and proud, I remember that when she told me I was a Dragonlinger, Her Dragonlinger, I'm looking at The others Dragon's they all see the look and I turn my head to Runt and he do the sign for Hollow, I nod and so do the rest of us take a long look at how Bear is treating our mother and once dinner is over, We are pushing Wolf and Bear away from the kitchen where we are cleaning up the dinner and I hear one of my brothers tell Bear where he can talk to his father alone.

"We should call the Club" I hear Cunt say and he looking at us.

"Why?" Zero ask and I see Mama nod.

"Because Cunt and Bear need to Square out whatever shit has been going on" Numbnutts say as he give Sherman a nod to call Psycho and I see him wheel himself outside where Runt is and lighting up the fire in the fire pit we are all gathering around the fire and I see Buzz and Joe are marking up the Square.

I hear the bikes and I know that the bikers coming and Psycho is the first one coming around the corner and I see the others coming too, and Psycho nod as he see us, I see the one that they call Viking walk up to Mama and I see him whisper something to her and I see her shake her head and then nod.

"What's up" I hear Knuckles say, I know his name for he is bleed with mama and she would have my head is I didn't learn it.

"Cunt and Ember is going work their shit out" I tell him and I see them looking at Cunt strip out off his t-shirt showing off his tattoo and scars, we all know that Cunt had a thing for Mama for the longest time sure Even I had a Crush on mama for a few weeks, but I understood quickly that I didn't have a chance with her.

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