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I waking up in my bed and I'm thinking back how good Tiny did yesterday with her trouble, and she did really good, and she did get a word out but it worries me is the nosebleed, and I get out of my bed, I really need to get a new one, I know that Wiz promise Tools to fix the door on Tiny's room, I get out of my bed as I'm getting dressed and I know that I have work to do and I get out to the main room of the club house and I'm looking at my Brothers that are half-sleeping and I see that Wiz is already on his way out Some of us know that Tiny is already up and Tools look's like he have woken up a few hours ago.

"Everything okay" I ask Tools and he is looking at me and he seem to think about something.

"Yeah, I woke Tiny up today and I don't know if I should just have left before making coffee" He tells me and I see Bear come into the room and he seem to be in a good mood today.

"She was out drinking last night shouldn't she have been asleep?" I ask and he look at me.

"I thought so, but hell as soon as the coffee started cooking, she was in the kitchen making sure I got breakfast" Tools say and I'm looking at Bear as he is looking at us.

"I told Wiz to fix her door and I hope that you will get by the house to keep a eye on them, I don't if I trust Wiz enough to be alone with T" Tools say and I see Bear take his seat.

"Sure, Have to keep a eye on her if she is trying to get her speech back, she worked herself to nosebleed, and she will do that if we don't keep a eye on her" I tell him and he nod.

"Who are you talking about?" Bear ask and I see Tools smile.

"Tiny, the Girl that Andersson wanted me to look after, She have a speech problem, and She when she is left alone she is forcing herself to speak and she end up with nosebleed or she would hurt herself more" Tools tell our Prez and I see him take a cop of coffee.

"Is her name Tiny?" Bear ask and I see the brothers look at him.

"Bear, you will understand when meet her, she don't answer to her real name" Tools say and I look at him.

"I tried after you told me what her name was, Viking but she didn't answer me, until I called her Tiny or T" Tools say and I nod we all know that Tiny wouldn't ask us to call her Tiny it was the name she had even showed me how she would tell anyone that her name is Tiny.

Tiny would shake her right hand over her head twice and then she would drop her hand down in a swift movement to her waist and that would be her way of saying that I'm Tiny, it took me a few try to get her name right, I looking at the Clock and I know that it's time to get work, and I know that I will get to Tools house around after lunch because I know that Wiz would be there around the same time, I don't know if Tiny know but every time she leave Tools house she have a tail, on her ass. It's not that we don't trust her it's just that we want to keep her safe.

"Viking are you going by my place to make sure that Wiz is keeping his hands to himself" Tools say and I hear Kicker laugh.

"Í don't' think that we need to worry about that" Kicker tells us and we turn to him.

"Tiny carry a K-bar in her boots at all time, I think she have more than one blade on her and I thing I saw her have a taster or a gun" Kicker say and I looking at him.

"She have a Berretta, that for sure" Tools say and I see Kicker looking at us and I see Bear is looking at us and it's a really good weapon.

"She told us and even showed us, I don't know how good of a shoot she is" Tools say as We are all getting to the Garage.

I'm looking at them as we are getting to work and just like the other days, The Garage is clean just like the other days and the tools that we have used are cleaned, I can't believe that she can do this, everyday that we come in here it's cleaned, I see that she have got the office clean too, and I see the paper is correct order and she have the workorder ready, We making more money since Tiny is helping so we don't have to work to find our workorder or stuff ready to go.

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