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I open my eyes and wonder for a second where I'm, when I see the last years calendar on the wall and I remember it because it piss my mother off when she saw it. I sit up and I see that I'm still in my marine cloths and I check my watch and It early, I get up and I take out the cloths that I have in the bag, I walk out of my room and take a shower washing the Sand off me and I get out of the shower I take a look in the mirror and I get out my shaving kit and I shave, I have learned to always shave even if I don't need to and I shave and I check my watch again and it's still early but I'm hungry so I walking down to the kitchen to get some breakfast going and I know I need to cook for the others that are staying here too, I start cooking a normal breakfast for our family and I hear step behind me.

"Ger. Ger" I hear a little voice calling behind me I turn around to get her up on my hip.

"Hey sunshine" I say as she giggle.

"Hungry?" I ask her and she giggle and clap her hands and I start put the breakfast on the table.

"shall we wake up Mama and Papa?" I ask and I see her smile and Clap her hand again.

Before I can even leave the dinning-room and with my sister on my hip I see My Mother come running and come to a stop when she see me.

"Jeramaine" She say with a happy sigh as she come up to us.

"Mother" I say as I give her a kiss on her cheek.

"I have made breakfast" I tell her and she stop in her tracks.

"Oh" She say and I see her looking at the Table.

"Why don't you get the rest of the family mama" I ask and she nod as she turning around.

I put my sister in her chair and I give her a something to drink and I see My family is walking in and they seem surprised, when they see that I'm getting my Sister her breakfast, I see My dad take his seat at the table.

"Coffee is almost done" I tell Mama when I see her looking for Coffee.

"Thank you Sweetie, but you don't have to cook" She tell me and I smile at her.

"I was up so I thought it was a good idea to cook for you" I tell her and I see them looking at me, as I'm getting the coffee and I take my seat.

This is the first time in almost a year that We have a family breakfast, I smiling at the my family eating, the Breakfast that I cooked.

"How long are you staying son?" I hear my dad ask and I look at them.

"only for a few days I'm heading to a new training program" I tell him and He look worried at me.

"What training?" My mother ask and I see My Aunt look at me.

"I was pulled into a group when I arrived oversea, and they are special Group, and they ask everyone that wish to join them have to go thru a training" I tell them and I see them look at me.

"Oh" I hear my mothers voice and I turn my eyes on her.

"Mama Listen to me, The Three that was oversea with me, they took me in and they made sure I was safe, they took me in as brother, sure I'm a brother as a Marine but They took my as one of them, and I they protected me" I tell her and I see my family look at me and I can tell that they are worried and I take the out the phone number.

"Dad, Please don't worry" I tell him and I see him take a look at me.

"You know if anyone of them are close By?" Dad say and I sigh I know That Trigger is closed by.

"Yes One of them are around here" I tell him and I know what is about to coming.

"give me a second" I tell him and I get up and I take my phone from the counter and I see them looking at me, as I make the to The Training nest and I hope it will be a short phone call.

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