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I'm looking at club house come into view and I'm happy that I'm coming home again, I'm looking at brothers as we are getting out of the Cars and they are all here and I'm look at Bear look unhappy as he get out but not before he shake Tools that's seem to be sleeping and I see them get out and the man driving the car nod to them as Bear close the door and I see Tools yawn.

"I don't know if whatever Tiny told him but he didn't speak a word after we left the base" Bear say and he looking at them car leaving.

"She made sure that each off the Drivers knew who We belonged to, the only car that they didn't threaten was mine because the Driver knew that I could fuck him up as much as TCB" Psycho say and I look at him.

"You mean what she ever told him with the Knife, was a threat?" I ask and I see Psycho smirk, as we see the Cop car come and we don't like it.

"Good Afternoon" I hear him say and I see Bear's face become a mask of angry.

"May I ask where you have been for the last week?" The officer say and I don't like it.

"We were invited to a Military function" Psycho say and I see the Cop turn to him.

"There is no military function around here" The officer say and I know he is fishing for info if we had something to do with Chaos destruction.

"You can Call Colonel Clifford, he was the one invite us" Psych say and I see him hold out a card and I see The Cop take it and he walk away from us and I see him make the call.

"Shit we are going to have trouble" Bear growl and I see Psycho smirk.

"Nope, Cody will have our backs because you have blood bond to the Dragons. But trust me we got our ass Cover" Psycho tells us and I smile at him as the Cop come back.

"It's seem that you where right about that, I'm sorry for disturbing you, but there was a fire and explosive just outside town and We haven't found out anything and we thought you might have something to do with it" he say and I know we didn't but I know he think we did.

"We have no idea, what happen more then what we saw on the news" Psycho say to the Cop and I see him drive off and I'm turning to Psycho.

"What the fuck was that?" Bear growl and I see him looking at me.

"That was the plan that Cody had made for us, to stay away from trouble" Psycho say and I'm checking my watch.

"Tools I'm heading home" I tell him and he nod as we both straddle our bikes and We drive to his home.

We are getting to the House and We are open the door I can tell the house have been clean while we been gone and once we get to the Living-room We find a note from DELTA Company, telling Tools that they have been sleeping in the living-room and they hope that they have cleaned it up good enough, and that the spare key is at the Club house, under the Whiskey bottle that TCB would drink, We start laughing at this and I'm getting a shower and I then hit the bed and I love the fucking bed and I hope that Tiny would allow me to have a room in her house, I really don't want to leave my sister to live alone. I'm waking up to hear someone yelling and I get up and I see it's early and I walk out off my room dressed in my boxers and I hear Tools voice yelling and I walk slowly down the house to the Voice and I find Tools standing in the door way to Tiny's room and he is yelling at someone that is in there.

"Tools?" I call out and I see him take a step to the side so I see Bear sleeping in Tiny's bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I Growl and I see Bear wake up and I see him wake up and he look at us.

"Can you keep it up and I'm trying to sleep" Bear growl at us and I walk up to him and grab his arms.

"You are in my sisters bed and you know That Tiny don't like people in here" I growl as I pull him of the bed and I see him pull the pillow with him and I pull him out off the house.

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