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I'm listen to the Soldier that are now complaining about TCB, The worst part is they don't know that they just fucked over Mother dragon, and I'm looking at them and I send them away from me and I rubbing my temples as I thinking about what to fix it and I know the only way and I get out off my chair and I'm walking up to the House where the Dragons are living and I'm calling my second hand to follow me, I have already talk to TCB once today, and this is the second time I'm walking to the house and I knocking on the door and I wait and I see one off the Bikers open the door.

"Yes?" he say as he looking at me.

"Where are my dragons?" I ask and I see him look strange at me and he look worried at me.

"Excuse me?" he say and I looking at him.

"My dragons, Fucker, Asshole, Pussy, Lollypop, or TCB" I ask and he looking at me and I see his eyes realize what I'm asking.

"CRAZY SQUAD SOMEONE IS LOOKING FOR YOU" He calling out and he open up the door and I know not to get in the house before I spoken to a Dragon.

"What you yelling about HAWK" I hear Fuckers and I see him see me.

"Hey Cody" Fucker say and he wave me in and we are stepping in and I looking around.

"Where is she?" I ask and Fucker look at me and the other.

"What did she do this time?" Fucker ask and he looking at me.

"their officer came complaining, but he don't know who he spit on" I tell him and Fucker sigh.

"I go and find her, she left after I made sure she still knew how to dance" Fucker say and I see the bikers looking at us.

I'm standing in the living-room and I hear the sound of him looking and I'm waiting because I know that TCB are good at hiding.

"HAVE ANY ONE SEEN HER" I hear Fucker yelling and I know that she is. Because she have a few place where she could have been but if Fucker can't find her means that she is in the Library that I made for her and that swinging sphere chair that hang the ceiling.

"Have you checked the Safe Haven for mind?" I ask and I see them look at me and I see Fucker jump over the railing and he walking against the library and the biker are looking at me as I walk after Fucker and the rest off the Dragon and I see him take up the book from the floor and he look up to see her leg dingle from chair and I see her sleeping in the Chari.

"You left her more then a hour" I tell him and he nod and I see each of the Dragons laugh as Fucker walk over and press the button that will lower the Chair and I see the bikers come in.

"I thought it was suppose to stay down once she took it down?" I hear someone say and I see Asshole lift her out off the Chair.

"Nope it, We normally leave her alone for a hour, longer along she fall asleep" I tell them and I see Asshole carry TCB to her room.

"She have never fallen down from the chair. Don't worry she have a good balance she always had it that why we allow her to use it" Fucker say and I see two off the Bikers talking.

"who build this house?" one of them ask and I'm looking at him.

"Why do you ask?" I say don't like the way he ask.

"I gave my sister the land where my childhood home once stood, it was burned down when I was 17" He tells me and this most be Viking that my little dragon told me about.

"I will get them to contact you guys, and Just tell them it's for TB, They known her under that name" I tell him and I see them looking at me and I smile at them.

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