Colonel Clarence 'Cody' Clifford

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I'm standing with Father of the Dragons Christopher Andersson as we are looking at Our Dragons and Dragonlinger doing what started as Motivation week, but everyone know that this is called Hell-week, We are half way thru the week and I see Sherman wheel himself next to the Group, he is not allowed to do the True hell-week but I know that One of the DI have made a special Motivation week, for him and I see Buzz and Skip are yelling at the Dragons but Dragons are willing to do more than the others.

"You know that the first egg is coming with in a hour" Chris say and I look at him.

"I know, I don't understand why She made the order like this" I growl as I'm looking over my uniform.

"Because They need to go thru the Medical exam, and They are to get their uniform and other stuff, so that they are ready when the Training start" Marcus say and I turn to see the Son of the Father of dragon standing there.

"You know what she has planned?" I ask and I see him smirk.

"Sort of, She plan to have the Doctors do a Fully body Exam on them, and make sure that they are fit for this, also to make sure to strip them of their names for once they here they are to be called Egg, with one Exception it's Hatchlinger" Marcus say as he look at the gate.

"Colonel Clifford, The first Egg expect to arrive with in five minutes" I hear one of the Officer that we have employed here, I turn to look the others, and they nod to me, We are walking against the gate.

We are listening to the Dragons train behind us, I know that most of them are Dragonlingers, there is only Three dragons, doing the full training and Sherman in his wheelchair, rest are of them are Dragonlinger, I wonder if we going to have any more Dragons. I turn away from my Fire Breathing Loving Dragons to face the New Egg, and I see the new man come on to the ground and he look around as I come up to him as soon as he see me he snap his salute to me and I salute him and he drop his salute, and I see him looking at me.

"Staff Sargent Jons Reporting" he say and I give him a smile.

"Colonel Clifford" I answer him and I see him look around.

"Am I too early?" he ask as he turn his face back to me.

"No you are not soldier, Everyone that is join us, have different times, you will go thru a medical exam, and registration, and then you will be given a bunk at the barracks where you will be staying" I tell him and show him with a hand movement to follow me.

This one is not going to last, he gave my his rank if he knew anything about the Dragons, that is that there is no rank amongst Dragons, I meet up with everyone of them, as I guide them to the Medical room. I keep doing this, and Papa Dragon is helping me. I take the first one and Papa take the second one, We keep doing this, I hear some complaints when it come housing, and I see some of them have moved around but I will leave this to the Dragon's to sort out. I don't like what's going on but I see them check out the exercise that my dragons are doing, I hear them talk as I walk pass with a few more, men, We have only one women and she don't seem happy to be placed with men, but this is a test, I Know that this is one of the last one coming, I know that her Own brother will be the last one, I see him straight up in-front of me.

"Recruit, Reporting as Order Sir" I hear him say as he salute me as he drop the bag he was carrying and stand at attention something the others didn't do.

"Welcome recruit, This way" I say as I salute him back and he grab his bag as I turn to walk away and I take a few steps.

"Sir!" I hear him say and I turn back to him.

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