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I'm watching my sister get in her truck and I stand next to my bike as I pull out my Cut and slip it on, I haven't had it on for weeks, I get my keys out of my pocket, and I straddle my bike and I see Psycho looking at me.

"Come on brother lets get home" Psycho say and I see him look at me.

"Yeah" I tell him and I start my bike and I drive after the truck and I can tell that Psycho is worried about something, so we drive after the truck that left before us, it don't take long before we are caught up with them and Psycho is staying behind them almost like he is protecting Them.

I don't say anything to Psycho as we are riding home, I'm slowly start to relax as we are getting closer home, and when we finally arrive back in my home town, I feel relax and I know that I need to speak to my sister once we are back at the Club house, We are pulling into the yard of the Club house and Garage, and I park my bike and I see that one of the Dragons open the door for my sister and I see that Runt is helping my sister out of the truck, and I see him give my sister a good look before he turn to face the Club who are coming out of the Garage. I take off my helmet and I turn my bike off and I hear a scream that make my head snap up and I spin around to see the Dragons trying to keep My sister away from Bear and Runt and I can tell that they been fighting, the Scream I heard came from my sister and I see Runt holding a knife.

"What the Fuck" I say to no one and I see that The Dragons step away from my sister as she walk over to Bear who just watching Runt as My sister walk up to him.

"Love let it go, We both knew that was coming" Bear whisper to her as he kiss her, that's when I see the ring on her finger, so he did ask her, I'm watching Bear whisper something to her and she shake her head.

"Wiz Why don't you get some lunch" Bear call out and I see one of the Dragons tag along with him and I see Psycho walk up to Runt and I guess his ask something and I see Psycho Turn to bear and I see a nod from Bear and Psycho place a gentle kiss on my sisters temple, I'm watching them.

"VIKING" I hear Breaker call out my head snap to him.

"Come on Viking" I hear Butcher say and I walk over to them and I see that Bear is standing with my sister, I frown when I see that he is pushing her down on the chair and I don't like it but I can tell Runt is on his side.

"She threw up on the way home" Runt say and I see Bear look at her.

"Love you need to allow me to take care of you" Bear whisper and I see Wolf standing in the door way next to me.

"Know" My sister say and I see Wolf looking at me.

"Good to have you home Viking" Wolf say and I see my sister look up at me, but she give one of the Dragons a look.

"Sure Mama, We talk to him" I hear one of them say as he grab my arm.

"Hey" I say as he pull me into the Club house where my brothers are.

"PSYCHOTIC MANIAC" he yell out and I see Psycho come into the room.

"What's up Dopey?" Psycho ask and I see him look at Dopey and I see that Dopey say something but I can't translate it.

"Okay, Better tell all of them the rules" Psycho say as he hand me a beer.

"What rules?" I hear Breaker say and I see Wolf look at them.

"Tools may know some of them" Psycho say and I see Tools nod.

"yeah Don't use the word sorry" Tool say and I see Psycho nod.

"There is a few words that we believe will bring bad luck or Curse upon us, We have are going to have to explain it to Runt's Blood family, too, but You never ever Say the Word SORRY to a Dragon, and Special To Mama right now, Another Word is You don't say GOODBYE, You do not apologize, to Mama, You don't make a promise to Mama, ONLY MAKE PROMIES YOU CAN KEEP" Dopey is calling out and I see my brothers frown and they nod.

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