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I see each of The dragons come into the barrack and they take one look at Runt and they know something is wrong but no one say shit about it, I see that the Dragonlingers that trained with Mutt and him take their seat next to him, I see the Four men Crawl into the small rack and they are making sure that Runt feel safe and know that we are there for him and I stand at the edge of his bed looking over them as they are gathering in the bed as a pack of littler of puppy's They are Hatchlinger again this is how we sleep when we had our training in the Cold we slept like that we would hurdle together and seeking warmth and Comfort from our brothers, but right now they are protecting their brother and make sure that he is safe and know that we care for him, I know if We where home, All of us would have huddle together with Runt in the middle with Mutt on one side and me on the others side, and the Dragons pressing their body up against us, forming a Circle of body's. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Bitch bed, I know you want to join them but We are going up in the air tomorrow" Sherman say and I nod.

"Skyla is not going with you Bitch, I'm not jumping I'm not cleared for that, but I'm going to make sure that Skyla is in the plane and can handle it" Sherman say as he pish me down to Rack that's mine and I get in the rack and lay down.

I don't feel nervosa about the jump I feel the thrill start building up, There is something about the chaos that this place and life offer me, make me calm, I know I read somewhere that "A ship in harbor is safe, But that is not what ships are build for" This is something that We are trained in our heads, Calm don't suit us, We are born for the Storm. I hear the calm breathing of my brothers and this calm me down and I fall asleep, I know that we are going to spend the early morning packing our parashoots and we are going to teach the Eggs this.

"DRAGONS" I hear someone scream and we all roll at the same time to the side and our feet hit the floor at the same time and we stand tall and ready.

"As you See Eggs, your reaction is slow and you have a long way to go, As you see them just roll out and stand on the line" I hear Buzz growl at the Eggs and I stand with my eyes locked in with Left eye, and we keep our eyes locked in with one and other.

"Dragons I have taken the liberty of waking up the Eggs, DRAGON GET DRESSED" Buzz scream and we are getting dressed quickly and I know that two are helping Sherman if he need it but we are on the line dressed ready for orders.

"AS you Fuckers can see, these men and Woman Are trained not to think they are trained to react I could have thrown in a grenade and they would have be ready to attack me" Buzz say and I see them look at him as we stand ready to attack If we need.

"Motherfuckers and Bitches feeding time" Buzz call out and we take off running, that's the normal order we have ben given for chow time, and We pull the Eggs with us to the mess hall and I see the Office screaming at the Eggs and they are fumbling but us Dragons we are just walking not carrying about they yelling.

We are getting to the food and we push a Egg in-front of us and We get in our seat and I see Blood egg trying to keep calm but I see he have a black eye, I know that someone beat the shit out of him or tried last night, I don't blame them, HE should have just closed his eyes and done what we asked or rung the bell, I know his score is going to be low, I hope his above 40 but I'm not having hope for that. I know he will not reach 100, because he is not going thru the interrogation training, I eat my food and don't look at him, he agree to this, he could have said no to this but he agree so he will now know what the fuck we are made off.

"Mama" I hear Runt say as we finish up our food and we are walking to leave our dishes, and then we take them to the hanger to pack the Parashoot.

"I'm going to call them after this" Runt say and I turn to him and I frown he know what I ask him.

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