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I'm looking at My son gently swaying his middle Child in his arms he is trying to get her to fall asleep, her sisters are already sleeping but Aurora won't go to sleep, Bear said that he would put Aurora to sleep, because my little buddy put the others two to bed, already, but Aurora refuse to fall asleep.

"Son give her here" I say and I see my son glare at me but I can tell his tired and I see him look down at Aurora.

"hey my little light" I say and I gently place her in my arms and I start gently humming, this did the trick last time, and just like that Aurora start to quite down.

"Aurora respond to Voice best" I tell my son and I gently pass her over to him and he start to humming too and she is slowly falling asleep.

"Thank you dad, I don't know what I would do without you" Bear say and I see Tiny come down stairs.

"Dad helped" Bear say as she come up and gently lift Aurora off his shoulder and she give Bear a kiss.

"Love, Please" Bear say and she do a shoo movement of her hand, and she just glare at him and do the movement again.

"I know love, I know but you and the Girls are important too" Bear say and I see her nod but she also do a hand movement, that I haven't seen, before.

"I know love, I know But I'm not going on that over night run, No until the Girls are older, okay" Bear say and I see she nod and she do shoo movement again.

"One more kiss before I go okay?" Bear say and she stop and she give him a proper kiss before she walk upstairs and I see that One of the dragon's are here.

"Runt" Bear call out and I see the door open to one of the rooms and I see the second Dragons take a step back and Runt come up to him.

"I know Bear don't worry I look after her, The Alarm for the house will be armed at 2100 hours, remember three second after the door is open, the soft alarm, after that you have 1 minute to get your code in, if your Code isn't enter correctly within 1 minute the alarm will wake up the whole house and you will not like the result" Runt say and I see My son nod.

"Look after my princesses will you, I know that my Queen can take care of herself but my princesses, can't" Bear say and I see him nod.

"They are the True born, don't worry we will guard them" Runt say and I see my son look at me.

"Coming dad?" he ask and I get up from my chair and I walk with him to the door.

We are walking 0ut of the house and We are closing the door behind us and I see My son sit down on his bike and I see him check his phone, I see him frown, but then he pocket the phone and he start the bike and I follow him and we drive down the hill, down to the Club house and I follow my son and I know that most of the Dragons are up at the Training nest, I don't know what they are doing, My son and I park our bikes outside the Club house, and I see that a few bikes missing.

"Psycho and Knuckles are missing" I tell my son and he look at the bikes.

"They are helping the Dragons, I don't want to know what the Dragons are doing, I told My love that I don't want to know what they are doing" My son say as he get off his bike and I see him looking at the house.

"how are you feeling" I ask my son and he look at me.

"It feels strange, I have had Months to get ready for this but I don't like leaving them" He say as we are walking into the club house.

"Don't worry Son You will be home soon with your family" I tell him and he nod as he check his phone again.

"What's up?" I ask him as I see him making a call and I see him frown again.

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