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I'm looking at Runt that is dragging me backwards to the office because he know I'm going to jump the officer and I see Sherman speaking on the phone.

"Come on mama, Lets go home so you can blow something up" Sherman say and I get in the truck and I know I'm not allowed to drive right now and I'm piss off and Runt drive home and I wish that one of my Dragons brothers are here, but Runt will have to do.

"When we get home, We are fighting" I tell him and I see him nod as he driving home, I'm looking out window and I'm so fucking piss off that they didn't allow me to take my anger out on the Marine at the house or the Fucking Military police, or even the officer that detained my Ember, and I'm clutching hands together so I won't hit Runt while his driving, My leg is starting to jumping.

"Sherman, We need to speed to get home, You think you can Get Cunt to run block for us?" Runt is calling to Sherman that's in the backseat.

"What is going on?" Sherman say and I close my eyes.

"Ma is about to go Roar with fire Dragon" Runt say and I hear Sherman call Cunt and I hear the tap on the window and I feel the Truck speed up and I feel my body start to shake.

"Cunt Use the Taser, WE need to control her can you?" I hear Shermans voice and I feel the pain in my back.

Cunt Is increasing the pain in the Delta implant that I was one of the few that got them, before the program was cancel so I got a second implant, and I feel pain from both implant, Cunt and a few of my officers knew about this because this was the only way to lock me in place when I got in the Dragon Rage as they call my rage, I have had it three times, during my Seven years. I barely hear Runt cut off the Engine of the truck, I feel the pain go up and I know that Runt is open the door and I know that Sherman is getting Skyla away from me and I know the second the pain go away I'm out off this fucking truck and I hope that Runt is gearing up for this. I feel the first the second implant decrease the strength of the pain that it's giving me so I get my sight pack and I see that we are home and Sherman have Skyla on leash and The second the pain is no longer there I'm out of the car and I know that Runt will be in the backyard and I take off and Sherman is staying out of my way because he know that shit is about to happen and I feel the pain that is locking me in place or rather it's not the pain but it's the nerve that is locking up my body making me unable to move, I feel the second my muscle response to what I want my body to do I'm out of the car running for the backyard where I know Runt will be and I slide on the Grass as I take the Corner and Runt is standing ready, I'm focus on Runt and he know that I'm about to fuck him up. Runt is ready for me and I know he will not hold back, and He know I will work out my anger on him. We go full Dragon rage on one and other. I know I will be black and blue after this and I know so will Runt. I barely fell his hit and I barely feel my fist hit him but I know I'm hitting him and I feel my body look up again and I fall to the side.

"Fuck, are you okay?" I hear Sherman ask someone and I know he ask Runt.

"Yeah, you have Cunt on phone?" I hear Runt ask and I don't hear what they say.

"Think we should call the others?" Sherman say and I'm feeling my muscle lose up.

"Can you think Clearly?" I hear Runt ask and I'm open my eyes.

"Think so" I tell him as I'm laying on the ground.

"CRAZY" I hear Shelby calling and I nod to Runt.

"BACKYARD SHELBY" RUNT is yelling back.

"Calm enough? or do I need Cunt to up it?" Sherman ask and I slowly shake my head.

"Cunt you can cut it off" Sherman say in the phone and my body relax and I breath heavy.

"What is wrong with her?" I hear someone say and I role over to my side and I can feel the pain now in my body, I can almost feel the bruise start to form on my body and I look up at Runt and his eyebrow is busted and his lip is split too, and I know that he have bruises too.

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