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I'm standing in the room where this club have their meeting I don't give a fuck if we are in a room where we are not allowed into, because this is the only room where we can place all the printed document we need to see, I see Asshole place the map on the wall and I see Pussy help him and they are start to put the pin-needles where people have lived or grown up and I see Wiz yawn.

"Forgive me, But I don't think I will be any good to you as tired as I'm" I hear Wiz say and I nod.

"Get some sleep, but when you wake up please bring some breakfast" Pussy say and I see the man leave and I see Pussy working.

"Can you deal with this?" I ask and he look at me and rub his eyes.

"I have to do it, I'm not as good as Cunt was, you know that he was the computer Geek of us, DARPA was head hunting him, but he said he would only work for them if they allowed him to test the gear himself" Pussy tells me and I remember the few of the Dragonlings that was killed, Cunt was one of them.

"Do what you can, Tell me what you need" Asshole ask and I see him looking at Asshole.

"Can you go back to Tools home and get my Green box, and the laptop I have there" Pussy say and I see Asshole leave and I take out the new papers and put them up on the wall.

"I can't believe that TCB got mixt up with this" I say and I feel the anger in my body, someone hurt my sister and for someone reason this club is part of it.

"You know that Bitch will do what she want, and I think that the Leader of this club really care for her" Pussy say and I sigh as I hear this I don't like it because Tiny will do what she want.

"I know but still We need to make sure we get her back" I tell him and Asshole come back with the Green box and I see Pussy start putting his stuff out of the box and on to the table.

"From the morning Fire we were born since the first flight across the sky we spread terror and fear, our wings are the blackest of black, our eyes the brightest yellow like the morning fire we are born from. The smoke that escape from our nostril is showing our future of Death and destruction, the Fire we breath bring life to the Phoenix flight and so is the circle Complete" I mumble as I'm looking at the wall and I hear Pussy start saying it too.

"I remember when Tiny made that one" I hear Asshole say after he finished that one.

"Can you see anything I don't" I ask Asshole as we are looking at the wall.

"No" Asshole say as he is standing next to me and I see them looking the wall with me.

"But like Tiny always said, Never give up, and Never leave a dragon behind" Asshole say and we are looking at the wall.

"We going to need Coffee for this" I tell them as I look over at Pussy that rubbing his eyes.

"I will go and make some" Asshole say as I hear the printer go off again and I take out new info that he found and I place it on the wall and I check each of the home address and each of the last known place of their crime.

"We are getting now where" Pussy say as he looking at me and I look at him.

"We are not giving up Tiny won't give up on us" I tell him and he nod as he start on another member.

"I know but we need to focus on some of them or on the Car, If we are going to cover all of them, we will be drowning" Pussy say as I see Asshole come with the Coffee.

"Yeah, I know" I tell him and we are drinking the coffee.

"We can't focus on the Leadership we need to get one of the Grunts" Asshole say and I nod.

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