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I'm reaching across the bed but I find it empty and I sit up and I looking around. I'm not in my room, this is My butterfly's room and I'm listening to hear the Shower or anything, but I don't but I hear something that sound like paper and I take it in my hands.

I'm sorry I'm not here when you wake up but trust me, less you know better, please don't leave the base, Psycho know everything you need to know, please be kind enough to stay in the house, will be back as soon as I can. I have my brothers with me and we keep each other safe, no worry We know what we are doing. If the food run out call 6748 on the phone in the kitchen, that will connect you to 'Cody' he will have food deliver to you.

Remember Less you know the better remember this.


I'm reading the note this is not a love note this is a note that tells me she have gone after Chaos and I don't like it, I'm getting out off her bed and I'm looking at the clock and it's early and I walk down stairs to see Psycho eating some cereals and he seem clam and not worried at all.

"Have you seen any other of the Dragons?" I ask him as he looking at me and signal to me to move and I turn around to see him have the TV on every News channel that The TV have.

"nope don't worry they know what they are doing" He say and his eyes are on the news.

"Why are you watching the news?" I ask and he smirk at me as he start to eat.

"What ever they are doing will hit the news and it will be big" He tells me and he are making sure that his eyes never leave the TV.

I'm walking around the house and I thought I would feel trapped here but I don't. This is the home of my Hummingbird and It's big enough to not feel trapped and I come across a room where Wiz, Ink and Hawk are hanging out in and it's look's like a gaming room, it has all game consoles that is on the market and a few computers and I see that my brothers are playing and I shake my head as I'm walking around this home and The more I walk around the more I get to know my little Hummingbird more, I find the Garage that hold a few cars and a lot of motors and a few bikes, it's looks like they have their own workshop here. I step into another room and I come to a complete stop and I have seen the books in my Darling's room and the book shelf in her room but this is room is filed with books from floor to the ceiling and It's a two story room, and I walk up the stairs to find even more books and even the stairs are book shelf. Looking at the chair that is floating in the air hold up with a strong rope, and it's in the middle of the room, I can see her sitting in it and read.

"see you find the room" I hear someone call out and I'm looking down to see Viking and he smiling at me.

"Yeah have you seen so many books" I ask and I see him laugh.

"I thought Asshole was joking when he showed me this room, Each of the Dragon have their rooms, and This is Tiny's heaven, The Garage is Assholes, The Game room Pussy, and kitchen Fuckers surprisingly, They have remodel each time they lost a Dragon or Dragonling, That's why the rooms are so big" Viking say as he look at the room.

"I don't know how she will fit all these books into her new home" Viking say and I'm surprised that he say that and that's when I remember that he gave her the old land where his family house ones was.

"From what I have seen she will make it work" I say and I hear someone call out and it's weak we are walking out off the room and we hear voices now and I'm smiling at them as I see the Girl are smiling as we are coming to the Kitchen.

"oh Good, Dinners ready, I can't get Psycho to leave the TV alone" Sam say and I see him looking at the Tv and shake my head.

"Let him be, he think he will find something on it" I tell the Girls and we are sitting down and eat and I smile at them as they are getting the Dinner on the table.

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