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I'm looking at my brothers that have place their bags there too, and I see each of them pull out their Military ID card and I pull out mine too and I turn to Skyla, and I give the command that I taught her to show her ID, Skyla take off and hurry over to where I place it and she come back with her big ID Card and She sit up on her back legs so that she is showing off her Id too, I give her a nod and she sit back down, and she give the Id Card to Runt and she give a bark.

"Looks like we have everything ready for tomorrow" Runt say and I nod.

"Better Get some food and then head to bed, Mama" Numbnutts say and I see them nod as I nod too.

I turn to Bear who tilt his head as I turn around to look at him, and he is smiling, and I see Wolf look at us and I give them a smile too, as we are walking over to the kitchen, and we start to make the Dinner.

"You mind if The Club come up here?" Wolf ask and I smile at them.

"come they can" I say and I stop as I think about what I just said.

"You seem to get better with your speech" Wolf say and I nod.

"Yes" I tell him and feel bad, My speech have always been something I feel ashamed off, I feel Bear place a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't feel ashamed, you are you, and you may be voiceless, but not fucking Useless" Bear say to me and I smile at him as we are making the dinner and I hear the bikes coming and I smile at this and I see them come in and as they are coming in they are giving Bear a man-hug and they come up to me to give me a gentle hug or a kiss depending on who is coming up to me, That's when I remember that Snuggle-puff is going to be alone.

"Skeew eerht ni gnivael si eh, emit siht su gninioj ton si eh, ereh enola eb lliw eh sa ffup-elggunS retfa kool ot dnim uoy od, selkcunK" I say as I'm looking at Knuckles as he give me a gently hug.

"Translation please" I hear one of the Bikers say and I nod to My brothers.

"Knuckles, do you mind to look after Snuggle-puff as he will be alone here, he is not joining us this time, he is leaving in three Weeks" I hear Numbnutts say he is the first to speak up.

"I have no trouble look after Snuggle-puff" Knuckles say and I smile and I turn around to look at Snuggle-puff and he look worried.

"You can relax, Knuckles is a Blooded brother, he is one of us you see the tattoo on his arm" Numbnutts say and I see them nod to me.

"How can he be a blooded brother?" Snuggle-puff say and I see them look at me.

'Classified until you are a Dragon or Dragonlinger' I tell him and I see Flex whisper in Snuggle-puffs ear and he nod.

I do the sign for them to set the table and I see Tools come in the Kitchen and hand me a Beer, and I start to laugh, Tools have learned my habits with the Beer and I take it from him, and we get the table set and we are taking our place around the table and Bear make sure that I always is placed so right side is at him, and my best hearing side is to the others, he will always touch me before speaking to me. We are eating the dinner and we all know that we need the sleep.

"You are going to bed after dinner?" Bear ask and I nod and he smile at me.

"You want me to stay with you?" he ask and I smile at this as I snuggle against his side.

"Then I stay with you" He say and I turn to my brothers to make sure that we are truly ready, for what is about to come.

Bear is pulling me up stairs when we finish our dinner, I want to stay and help them clean up but Bear lift me up and carry me away from the table and Once we have come up one floor he set me down and he gently guide me to my bedroom and I feel sort of guilty not helping them.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now