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I'm standing in our old house, the Dragon and dragonlings sleeping nest, and I'm looking up the stairs where Tiny and Bear left, I know that I will answer questions and I give the hand signal for food and I see them looking at me and I see that Knuckles are having a black eye.

"So what is going on" I hear Kicker say as he holding his girl close to his chest.

"They Fucked with the Dragon and they are about to learn you don't fuck with a Marine that is part of the Dragons" Psycho say and I nod as he looking at me.

"What?" I hear Knuckles say and I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"We have a saying" Pussy say and I know that we are going to say it together.

"From the morning fire We were born Since the First flight across the sky we spread Terror and fear, Our wings are the blackest black, our eyes the brightest yellow like the morning fire we are born from. The smoke that escape from our nostrils show our future of death and destruction the Fire we breath bring life to the Phoenix flight and so is the circle complete" We all say even Psycho is saying it and I see them looking at us.

"We have one order when it come to Chaos, and that was what you heard no trace, meaning there will be nothing left when we are done. If we say more then you will risk nightmare, and we will not speak about this to when Ember is around" I tell him and I see Kicker nod.

"Why did you send Bear away?" Viking say and I shake my head.

"It was Tiny I send way, I thought he is the only one that can get her to sleep right now, and I don't think that Bear would let her out of his sight right now, because if they took them as they did with us, then he is worried" I tell him and they are looking at me.

"What do you mean?" Sarah ask and I'm looking at her and she smile.

"How was you collected please each off you please tell us" Pussy say and I see that Sarah looking at Samantha.

"Well there was a knock on the door, and Samantha open it and there was a man dressed in a Uniform asking for our names and he was telling us that we had been invited to a tour on a Military base, and that we were to pack for a week and make sure that we had our Id, and Then we were lead to a really fine car and was driven here" Samantha say and I nod as they are looking at us.

Each of them tell their invite, the male got slight harder invite and they are all telling us, their invite and I hear that a few of them did get a really invite most of them was taken, and a few of them was taken like a kidnap and I know that Us dragon was kidnaped.

"as you hear, each of us was taken difference" Pussy say as he is getting dinner starting.

"but you haven't heard how a Dragon or Dragonling was taken Pussy was you taken as a Dragonling or a Biker?" Asshole call out and I see him looking at us.

"Dragonling, with the sleeping agent" he call out and we nod.

"The way they take a Dragon or a Dragonling is kidnap, at the worst, you are taken from behind, with a rope around your neck depending how tall you are, you get strangle but if you are shorter then the one that grab you, then you get lift off the ground, and then get throw in to the van, and if they are fast enough they inject you with a sleeping agent, and that's is. But if they are slow, that's when the fight start and We are trained to fight to death and if we are taking we will do that" I tell them and I see them looking at us.

"You mean that that fight I put up made them treat me worst?" Knuckle ask as he look at me.

"Sort off, but you couldn't swing like us so they just had to work on getting you in Cuffs. But Think about Tiny" I tell him and I see him freeze.

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