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I'm watching my sister walking slowly down the stairs, I'm walking next to her, I'm holding hard on her arm, She is tired and I know that we need to get her to the hospital, she have been feeling sick, and I think that it was just a small cold, but she seem to lack the energy that she had before. Since My sister told me she was pregnant I spend every moment of free time I had overseas to read up on pregnancy, I know that my sister wouldn't need me for that but I need to do this for her, Tiny have been there for me over the years, with girls who tried to get with me and the heartache when they dump me, or ghost me, Tiny have been there for me thru it all, She is sitting down in her lazy chair and I tilt it back for her and I place a blanket over her.

"Tired" she say and I nod to her as I'm checking her pulse.

"I know sister, I'm going to call your doctor, so just rest" I tell her and I see her nod.

I walk over to the kitchen, and I find note from her doctor, and Doctor James have got use to us calling her if something is off with Tiny and I also helped Tiny change her name with Doctor James, I know that We will still call her Tiny, but for the Legal paper for the Children she need a name a legal name.

"Lauren James speaking" I hear the doc speak and I smile at this.

"Miss James, This's is Jade Roman's Brother" I say and I hear her stop moving around.

"What's wrong with Mother?" she ask she have heard us call Tiny that every time she have gone to meet with her doctor, since we got home.

"She is really sleepy, and it's seems like her energy is gone, I'm just worried" I tell her and she sigh.

"Your sisters have her next appointment tomorrow with me, so We check it tomorrow, but if she have any pain you better come in right now" she say and I walk over to my sister.

"Mama" I whisper to her and she open a eye and she look sleepy.

"Pain?" I ask and she shake her head and sign sleepy and then hell-week.

"She say no pain but she is sleepy like after hell-week" I tell her and I can hear her typing on her laptop.

"Keep in mind that she is carry three children, and she is getting to the end of the pregnancy" Lauren tells me and I nod.

"Yeah but you can't blame us right?" I ask and she laugh in the phone.

"Let her rest and make sure she eat" she say as we hang up, she knows that saying goodbye to one of us is a tabu so we just hang up or she hang up on us.

"LOVE? CRAZY?" I hear Bear call out and I see that my sister don't react meaning that she is sleeping again.

"Living-room" I call out and I hear him come walking in and I see him look at me where I'm sitting.

"She is still tired?" Bear ask and I nod.

"I called her doctor but she said as long as she is not in pain she would be okay until tomorrow, she have appointment tomorrow, so Miss James will check her extra careful" I tell him and he nod.

"She need to eat too" Bear say as he lean down and give her a kiss.

"Where is Skyla?" he say as he stand up and I smile.

"Goose took her on a run, Mama pleaded with him to do it, she feel guilty for not being able to take care of her dog" I tell him and he look at me as I stand up.

"Can we talk in the kitchen?" he ask and I nod as we are walking over to the Kitchen but I can see my sister from there.

"What's up?" I ask and I see him look at me.

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