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I'm opening my eyes to see Fucker come in with that little bed that holds my first born little girl and I see him push the bed all the way up to my side and I gently sit up.

"she is fine, Every thing is okay" Fucker say and I lift my arms and he gently lift her out of the bed and I get her in my arms and I hear the song that Runt always sing for us when we are in the mission.

I feel the panic start to bubble inside, How am I going to raise kids, I can't fucking believe I'm a mother What the fuck was I thinking, I can't be a mother and I feel Runt's hand on my shoulder and I look up at him.

"Relax Mama," Runt say and I see Bear stand up and come over to me.

"Love are you okay?" Bear whisper as he place his hand on the back of our girl.

"It's a small panic attack don't worry Bear" Runt say as I'm looking at my little girl.

"We will get thru this together and The Club and Your brothers will be there of us" Bear say and I see Asshole come in with the next bed.

"want" I whisper and I see Asshole gently lift her up and place her on my chest.

"We have place color band on them, So Blue is first born, the middle is Red and the youngest have the Color Gold or Yellow" Asshole say and that's when I see the color and, on my girl, and I see Bear frown but I know why they picked those colors.

"Why those Colors" Bear ask and I smile as I grab Runts arm and I pull him so he stand so Bear can see him better.

"Because, Those are their Color Son, Look at the dress blue, Blue, Red and Golden" Wolf say as he get up from his chair and I see him smile at me as Pussy is coming in the room and I see that he already have my girl against his shoulder.

"She was crying, Sorry Bear" Pussy say as he lay her with her sisters on my chest.

"Don't be, She need to be held" Bear say as gently place a kiss on their head and Bear is gently lift the first born.

"Lauren was about to share the names but we stopped her telling her she couldn't tell us" Fucker say and I see Bear frown again.

"Bear it's a dragon thing, you heard it with Snuggle-puff, but With Children we have our own ritual for Baby's, Rabbit's Fire, Refused this but we have given every Dragons Ember, Flame or Fire to allow Dragons to do this, Only one have done it and it was Holly" Asshole say and I see him nod.

"I'm okay with following My darling on this" Bear say as he kiss my temple and I gently tap his hand and I look at the oldest one and Bear take her.

"Dad do you want to hold her?" Bear ask and I see Wolf hold out his arms for the little girl and he hold her to his chest.

"They are so small" Wolf say and I see the Nurse come in and she look at us.

"Is there anyway we can have our waiting room back?" she ask and I smile I know that every Dragon is waiting there and I guess that Bikers are there too.

"I think I can, Wolf sit next to Mama, Bear take the youngest one, please and sit on the other side of mama" Fucker say and I see him look at me.

"Awake enough for this?" Fucker ask and I nod and he leave.

"What's going on?" I hear Amitola ask she just returned to the room.

"We are going to inform the Family waiting, and they are coming here" Runt say and I see her eyes shine.

"I hope that It was okay that I called my daughter and said that you had given birth to three Girls and everything did go well" Amitola ask and I can tell she is worried and I wave her to me and she step closer.

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