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I'm looking at my sister leaving for the Doctors appointment, I know that something is off with my sister, but she haven't said anything yet, I'm looking at the others are we are getting ready to head to the training nest, I know that Cody is going to yell at us for what we did yesterday, I see that My brothers are standing ready and Runt is smiling.

"I'm getting the Black soul here, and You get the Dragons" Runt say as he walk out of the house and We get in the Car that will take us up to the training nest.

We don't speak as the Car is driving to the Nest, We all know the hell we will get when we arrive to the Training nest. I'm still thinking about what happen and the reason We ended up here home, and I know that my sister will tell us what she haven't told us over the Chats calls that we had over the months. I see the Training nest and I smile as the Car is parked outside and we are getting out of the Car and We are all signing in so that we are allowed in to the Nest, This is something we do every time we come and go, I know that I need to speak to Cody first.

"Asshole, Pussy get the Dragons and Dragonlingers together" I say and I take a look at the scoreboard that I didn't really look at last night, because I only checked the Score not the name on the board.

"Holy shit, he is doing good" I say and I see Pussy turn to where I'm looking.

"HE made Younglinger, This means he is ready for the Dragon napping" Pussy say and I nod, and I know that this is the part few will know of, it's the training to withstand anything, but also to train him to free a dragon that has been taken. I see that the others are still named Egg's no one have made it to Hatchlinger yet, but I have hope for the Sea Dragons man.

"We have to talk to Our instructors later but lets deal with What Our mother wanted us to do" I tell them and I walking over to office where I know Cody and Chris will be.

I straight up as I knock on Chris door and I see the Father of the Dragon open his office door, this is something dragon rarely do and when we do Knock there is something serious wrong or something really important, I see Chris open the door and he looking at me.

"What is wrong?" Chris say and I look at him.

"Mother of the Dragons want to have every dragon at the Home nest" I tell him and he look at me.

"You all are free to come and go as you please" Chris say and I'm looking at him.

"shouldn't father of the Dragons be present as well?" I ask and I see him nod.

"I will be there" Chris say as he close his door and I'm walking over to the office where our Creator is house and I knock on the door and I know that I will be yelled at.

"ENTER" I hear Cody yelling and I open the door and I step inside and I close the door behind me and I'm walk straight up to the place where we are meant to stand and I salute him as I take my place in-front of him and my eyes are at the knife.

"At ease" I hear Cody say and I take the stand of parade rest, and I hope that he will start yelling at me so that I can tell him why I'm here.

"Master Sargeant James Daniel Sawyer Roman Do you have any idea The FUCKING SHIT STORM YOU HAVE CAUSE" Cody say and I know that I'm in a deep shit, for he used my true name, but as a dragon we stand for what we have done.

"Sir Yes sir" I say and I hope that he will understand what I understand it.

"I'm not talking about that you made your way home, I'm talking about that THE THREE OF YOU ATTACKED A MILITARY POLICE" Cody yell and I'm not surprised that it was the attack on the MP that piss him off.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF" Cody Scream and I'm take a deep breath.

"Permission to speak freely" I ask and I hope that I will get it.

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