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I'm looking at T, as she is stepping out of the Car, They have just returned from leaving the Newest of their brother, I knew that he was shipping back overseas, I see That one of them is not with them. We have been staying with Bear to help him babysit his Children, We are lucky that they are still so young and they are mostly sleeping, I'm watching Wolf as he just finish feeding the Red color girl, I don't understand why T's Brothers marked the girls with colors when they were born, but I guess I will know soon.

"Knuckles?" I hear Shelby calling from inside the house.

"You better go see what your girl want" I hear Wiz say and I see T coming against us and I see that they seem more relax but as soon as T is in-front of me she lift her girl out of my arms and She hand the girl to Viking and then she grab my arm and start pulling me with her.

"She want to talk to you" I hear one of the Dragons say and I see Bear smile at us as we pass them and I think that Bear have start to learn the Dragonish speech more than he have told us.

"T you know that I don't speak Dragonish, and I have no knowledge of sign language" I tell her and she nod to me.

"I just want to make sure that you knew, so You will have to speak slowly or Write what you want to say to me" I tell her and she nod as she point at a chair, we take our seat and I see she take a seat and she pull out a note book and I see her writing on it. I see T look up and hand over the notepad to me and I start reading.

I know that the Club will always be Bear's First priority, just like the Dragons are mine, I don't expect him to change, but I will ask His brothers to please to take care of him when you are out and do your shit, just like He would ask my Brothers to watch my back. You know that Dragons have accepted you as a Uncle to us, We are hoping that you will be okay with housing a few dragons every now and then. I hope that you will be a uncle to Bears and Mine children, You have been more than welcome and accommodation with me, when I showed up here. You didn't know what you got yourself into when you agreed to house me but You have been more than kind to me you became a uncle to me, a Dear uncle, someone that I would turn to if I had trouble.

"Tiny, Don't ever think that Bear will put You or The girls second" I tell her and she hold up her hand.

"I know" she say and she hold up her hand to stop me from speaking.

"But He will" she say and I understand that she breaking up what she want to say.

"Never leave" she say and I understand what she is going to say.

"You are right Tiny he will never leave the club and you don't want him to" I say and she nod as she smile at me.

"but You and those girls are his treasure" I tell her and she smiling at me.

"He is fire" She say and I see her looking at me and I sort of understand it.

"Was it anything else you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask and she smirk as she hand me the phone, I frown when I see the text, it's from Miss Dwyer, and I see the look from Tiny, she is seating me up.

"You really think that would work?" I ask her and she glare at me.

"Fucker saw" she say and I frown as I hand back the notepad.

I see her start writing again, I'm happy that she is speaking more, I still remember when she first came here, she had this strange look in her eyes, but she was also quite and she was only focus on getting back to her job in the military, but slowly she started to live, it started with the days she left for the Bar, then when Wolf agree to take her to the fire-range, but she truly came alive when her brothers came home, and when She found out that Psycho was part of the Club. I smile as I see her hand me the notepad.

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