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When my sister and her brothers told us that she was going to celebrate her birthday I didn't expect them to drink that much, I was surprised to see her be able to stand up, and dancing, but what surprised me was her attachment to the teddy, I was the one dragging her to the bed after one of the SEAL feel asleep, I didn't want her sleeping out there and I'm standing at the door looking at them leaving on a run and I shake my head as I'm looking at Bear that sit up.

"Good morning" I tell him and he growl at me and he look angry.

"Is the Crazy one's up?" he ask and I nod.

"They just left for a run" I tell him and he sit up and he look at me.

"I need your help, I know I didn't give her anything but I did ask if I could ask her to dinner" Bear say and I feel the Surprised in my face and eyes.

"I need to know what food your Sister like" Bear say and I'm thinking about it and I see the old man that My sister called Papa last night is watching his watch.

"Good morning, got headache?" he ask and I shake my head I didn't drink last night but most of the Brother was as drunk as Tiny and her brother but they drank more than my brothers, and I'm worried that they are out running.

"Don't worry, they know what they are doing, I have had them on a run like this before" I hear Anderson the younger one of them say and I looking at him.

"Dragons are known to fight hard and party even harder, don't worry they are doing well" he say and he sit down and eat the breakfast and I'm looking for the teddy.

"Did she take the Teddy with her?" I ask and I see the one called Papa smile.

"Yeah, you won't see it until she have her the puppy, they should be back with in a hour, so lets get the backyard they will get the PT back there" Papa say and I nod as we are moving to start cleaning the backyard.

"I thought they had a party here" I hear Tools say as we are looking around.

"Got to love the Marine" The new guy say and he was the one how called me sister to him.

"That's the Dragons, they may party but the do know how to clean up, Remember when they Glue your smokey bear to the table" he say and I see Anderson looking at the man.

"Shut up Doc, I knew that you where in on it, but couldn't prove it" Anderson growl and I frown at this.

"sound like they are coming back" he call out and I see them coming as a group and I see the youngest looking one is not really keeping up and I see my sister holding the teddy as she running and when they are coming to the backyard they are doing their work out and I want to laugh as I see my sister is doing it with the teddy.

I'm smiling as I see the Club leave and I see Tools leave too, and I wait for them to finish their workout and I see them then hurry to the shower and I get my sister alone after she have shower.

"Tiny you need to safe, We don't know what Chaos is up to okay, I'm going back to the club house, Bear called a meeting, please stay safe" I tell her and she smile and she place a hand on my chest and I frown.

"She telling you not to worry" I hear The one they calling Sarge and I see him look at my sister.

"Okay" I say and I kiss her head and I walk over to my bike but I don't even get on it before I have a guy standing in-front of me and he hold out something.

"Here, you will need this" he say and hold out a gun to me and I frown but I take it and he smile at me and I get the feeling that something is off with the gun and I place it where I saw my sister have hers.

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