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I'm looking my son as he standing next to Tiny, he look happy for the first time in years, I'm smiling at this Tiny have been a good friend up at the fire range and My sun seme to really have fallen in love with her and I'm petting that dog that Viking gave her. I know that her name is Skyla but I gave a feeling we are going to call it Trouble, I don't ask me why, I see Tiny is looking at her brothers from the army and I can see that she is looking at her Marine brothers but there is something wrong with her look. Skyla is coming up to me and I see her holding a ball and I throw it for her, and Skyla is getting it but then she run to another member, I'm watching as Tiny place the meat on the table and she make a bowl for Skyla, she is cutting the meat up and she do place some more food in the bowl and she place it in the shadow. We are eating and I see Tiny seem happy, I'm happy that she is happy.

The night is going in the same fun night as the Night when, her brothers came home. I learned that they are crazy but they accept it, and they love it, I see them laugh and Once the dinner if over we are all helping out to clean up and I see Tiny pull the Leach out and I hear her whistle and I see Fucker look at her.

"Not again Tiny, We have been running twice today" I hear one of them say and I see her do a nod and I get the feeling that she said something else.

"Yeah you are right" they are saying and I see them get up and I see them leave.

"Are you okay?" I ask my son and he look at me as he sit down.

"Yeah I'm fine Dad, just worried about how Tiny will take it if her brothers as shipped out again" Bear say and I'm looking at him as he see Tiny leave.

"We will be there for her son don't worry" I tell him but deep down I know that if that happen we are going to have trouble, because I know that because She is a Marine just like me. I have seen their work out and I know that Tiny wish to join in with her brothers but I can't say that to my Son because he wouldn't understand just as I never talked about my time in the war.

I'm sitting with Tools and My son waiting for them to come back, I hear them coming and We get up and walk into the house and I'm looking Fucker open the door and I see Tiny carry that little pup and it's looking like she killed it.

"don't worry, She is just tired" Fucker say and I'm see her place the dog down.

"That dog will learn to live on Marine time" Asshole say as he take off the Harness off Skyla that now lift her head.

"Okay I'm leaving son, are you staying?" I ask and he nod as He know that Skyla need to get use to him be around Tiny, We had a dog a long time ago and he wasn't around much and the dog hated him.

"If Tiny is okay with it" He say as he look at Tiny that are coming with a shower kit that I remember from my time.

"She is fine with that" Fucker say and I see that something have changed how they are treating My son.

"Fucker" I say and I just look at the door and he nod, I have study Tiny since she came here, she have these look's that Any Marine would know and I get up and I walk out the door and Fucker close the door behind us.

"Sir you wished to speak to me sir" he say and I can't believe that they are referring to me as a officer.

"Something have changed" I say and I hope that I don't have to say more.

"Sir Yes sir," He say and I see him swallow as if he don't what to say it but then remember something.

"That is that you son is to be trusted with the dragons most precious gem, our Mother" he say and I just looking at him and he stand tall.

"Tiny was the first one that was made a Dragon, she heard that someone was looking for Marines to be harder and be treated worst than the other and Tiny just step up with out thinking, I was right behind her with a second, Pussy, Asshole Cunt and Tits was there with me once I had take that step, but Tiny was first he didn't even finish speaking before she took a step forward. Tiny is the mother because she was treated worst than us, we was her children, and every time we Fucked up, she got the punishment, she took it, Psycho became a dragonling a few days later and she took him under her wings, by then my sister had become Crazy, and She was proud of it , and they younger Marine's became afraid of her and She would just smirk at them all knew she wouldn't speak that made her more scary for the Marines" Fucker tells me and I see him looking straight ahead and not at me.

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