Marcus Anderson

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My phone is ringing and I take a look at it and I know it's the office where sugar tits is working that's strange, Tits have always been the most reliable Dragon, sure he is a Dragon and as Crazy as the rest but Tiny is the Craziest one.

"Anderson" I answer and I wait for the person on the other side to speak.

"Hey, Anderson, is Mr. Rodriguez at you location?" I hear the female secretary at Tits' office and I frown, she most be new because she call him by the last name, every one calling them by their nicknames.

"No I haven't seen him for some time" I tell her and I hear her take a deep breath as if she is worried.

"Well he was working here, about two weeks ago and he yelled out something that sounded so bad" the Girl say and I frown.

"What did he yell?" I ask because I know that Dragon have bad names they call them their stupide names.

"Well, he said; Mother-Fucker, That Asshole I will skin that Pussy and if that Bitch did what I think they did I will fucking kill them all" she say and I hang my head, that's the way he was calling out the Dragons name.

"Did he call for Duck-Duck?" I ask and I know that Duck-Duck is working for him as a bodyguard.

"Yes, he called Duck-duck and told him to dress extremely well" She say and I frown.

"I'm coming over" I tell her as we hanging up and I get up and I see a man standing in the door.

"hey Junior" My dad call out and I look at him the only different between dad and me is our how we spell our last name, I spell with one S and my dad with two S.

"Yes Dad?" I ask and I start packing up my work to go to Tits office.

"You heading somewhere?" He ask and I nod as I'm getting my jacket.

"Yes, Tits Secretary called and asked if he was here, he have not show up for two weeks, he and Duck took off well dressed" I tell him and My dad is looking at him.

"I'm going with you" He say and he walk with me to my car and my driver is driving over to the office where Tits work and I see that his cars is not there.

"So what would make Lollypop take off?" I hear my dad say and I turn to him.

"Dad he hate that nickname, he like Sugar tits better" I tell him and he look at me.

"Nope, little mother Dragon named him Lollypop and he will be lollypop until I die" He say and We are getting out of the car and I see the military personal salute us as we are walking in to the building and straight up to the office and the lady standing there.

"Thank you Gunnery sergeant Anderson and Major Andersson, for coming I know that you are very protective of your soldier" She say and she is a civilian, and we shake her hand.

"Anything you can tell us?" I ask and My dad walk straight into the room and I see him stop.

"Rodriguez and Beswick, was carrying a black box, and they looked piss off and they were saying something under their breath" She say and I see my dad looking around

"From the morning fire we were born since the first flight across the sky, we spread terror and fear, our wings are the blackest black, our eyes are the brightest yellow like the morning fire we are born from, the smoke that escape from our nostril showing our future of death and destruction, the fire we breath bring life to the Phoenix flight and so is the circle complete" My dad say and she looking at him.

"yes it sounded like that" She say and My dad look at me.

"The only thing that make Lollypop to walk away from work, is the Dragons they are loyal to one and other, Marcus do you know the Code for open lollypops computer?" My dad ask and I nod as I walk in and I start typing on the computer.

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