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I'm looking at my darling looking as Each of the Men kneeling in-front of my love nad They are starting the strangest thing and I see each of them do it Even Runt and Sherman that both are going to stay here with us, I wait until the are at their cars when I lean down.

"Can you explain that?" I whisper in her good ear and I see her nod as she salute the men and they leave and she turn to Runt.

"It's a Dragon Greeting, it started as a joke, We pass the fire from dragon to dragon, We are only doing this when there is no Outsiders around, You are a Ember, meaning you are family, It's a Pray that We are send with our Brothers." Runt speak and I nod as he speak.

"We would have done it if Ma had showed up alone, or with you We would have done this" Runt say and I'm looking at him.

"What do it mean?" I ask and he smile at me.

"It don't mean anything to anyone but us Dragons, it's basically a well-wishing thing, it translate to this, if I should voice it. 'I'm a fire breathing dragon, this is my fire that I'm blessing with a kiss that kiss is to keep your mind sharp and your eyes strong your nose clear and voice strong, and let the fire that I bless may it keep you safe' something like that I think" Runt say and I'm looking at my darling that is looking at the car that left and I know that she miss her brothers and I pull her closer to my body.

"don't worry you will see them soon enough" I whisper to her and she nod.

"I should warn you, My sister is on her way here, I called her last night for I wanted to speak to her and once she found out about us, she told me she coming home and then she hang up on me" I tell her and I know that Runt hear me too.

"She ask if she should be worried" I hear Runt say and I shake my head.

"No Well not really, sure my sister is protective over me, but she will may not understand your quite speech, but I know that My sister will show the respect that you show her, but I will tell her about your speech problem" I tell her and I'm smiling at her as we are walking back inside.

"Who long will it take before your sister is showing up" Runt ask and I turn to him.

"Depending on how fast she can get a sub to take over, anything from a day to three weeks" I tell her and she smile and She whistle to call Skyla and I see Runt, Sherman and My love get ready to go back to work.

"What want to go on the bike?" I ask her as I see her shake her head and I see Runt calling Skyla and he nod as he walk over to the forest and Tiny whistle and She look at the Car, Skyla is already sitting below the tailgate.

"Fine" Runt say and he open the tail gate on the truck and Skyla jump up and he close the Tailgate and he jump on the Bed of the truck.

"See you down at the Garage" Sherman calling out and I see them leave and I drive down the hill and I see that My darling and her brother is driving behind me.

I park my bike and I see my love coming with her truck and before she can pull in I see Runt jump out off the bed of the truck, and he rolling and I see him get to his feet, and I see that Vikings Bike are parked and I see the others standing out side and look at me.

"You sure to let Viking go for Three months?" I hear Kicker say and I'm looking at him.

"We can deal with Viking being away for Three months" I tell him and I see My darling park her truck and she jump out of the truck and Call Skyla and I see her glare at Runt and I think she is yelling at him.

"I know but Katherina is coming home" I tell him and I hear everyone of my brothers stop moving.

"What happen?" I hear Breaker ask and I turn to him.

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