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I'm driving away from Tools house, and I keep a eye in the mirror to see my Girl, and her brothers move into the house and I feel my heart pump a little extra once I think that word My Girl, I haven't had a girl in years I have seen a lot of girls hanging off my arm but no one that have got my blood really burning, not like my little Bird is doing. I park the Mustang outside the Clubhouse and I know that Viking will not be happy with me being with his sister not because who I am but because she is his sister and he feel that he need to protect her, I see Knuckles looking at me as I throw his key to him.

"Thank you for letting me borrow it again" I tell him and he looking at me.

"What happen last night, you told me that you would come home" Knuckle ask and I know that It's not like Viking would ask but I know that he care for my little Butterfly.

"a Wreck, road was closed and the second road was closed after the mudslide" I tell him and he nod as he know that there is a third road, but it's a dirt road and not many people know about it but it's not made for cars, and we only drive that way when we are on bikes.

"Okay just heads up Viking is Cotton-picking furious" he say and I nod as I hear him say this. I knew that Viking will be angry.

"Can you get him to meet me out here, I rather not have him destroy the Clubhouse" I tell him and I see Knuckle walk inside and I see Psycho coming out and I see him smirking.

"You sure about that?" Psycho ask as he looking at me and I nod.

"I rather do this now, and be over with it, and Viking deserve to know at least some things" I tell him and I see Viking come out and I can tell his piss off and I start to question what I was thinking and I see him looking at me and he just walking straight at me.

"Viking calm down" I say but I know It's no use and I feel his fist connect with my jawline, I know that this is not My brother this is my Girl's Brother.

"Viking calm down" I tell him as I back away from him and I see him looking at me, and his eyes are black.

"Just hear me out, then we can take it to the Ring" I tell him and I see him nod. I'm happy that he will listen to me.

"a 18-wheeler wrecked last night blocking the road home, with no way around, We checked into the hotel" I tell him and I see Viking step closer to me and I backing away from him, because Viking is one of the Three people I don't want to fight, Psycho and Knuckles are the other two.

"yes we spend the night in the same room, but before we even when to sleep, your sister made sure that I understood the rules" I tell him and I see Viking stop walking.

"She told you about Ember?" He ask and I'm looking at him with a frown.

"I don't think that's what she told me, that I better not cheat on her" I tell him, and I see Viking pull out his phone.

"I got Tiny speaking to me about Ember, and this is what she told me" Viking tells me as he hand over his phone.

I start to read the text, I can tell that he have send it from Tiny's phone so that he would know this. I read the word's from my little bird. It's not easy to explain what a Ember is but I will try. From the Dragons first Roar a Ember is light somewhere in the world, The ember is were our fire come from, The Ember is what we live for and die for. The Ember is the thing that keep us warm in a cold night. To find your Ember is to find home, to find the most safe place in the world, Because that's is where you nest is, and dragon will protect their Ember to death, because as long as we have out Ember we know our heart is protected. Ember is so much for a Dragon and For a Ember to Betray her/His Dragon is the worst that can happen, Asshole had a Ember once, They stopped me before I could kill her for betraying him, Ember status is hold high for us. You can still cheat on your wife, A Ember is not allowed to cheat, If a Ember Cheat we burn the Ember mark of the one how cheated and will never be allowed by the Dragons or Dragonlings to be close to us again. I'm looking up at Viking, this is more than what my little hummingbird said, but She did tell me that she don't accept me cheating.

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