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I'm feel the sofa under me again, I frown why wouldn't they place me in my bed, but then I remember the Dragon Rule about Flame and Ember, We don't step on a brothers Claim, I feel Asswipe take my wrist, the reason why he hold my wrist and not the neck is the same as why I'm not in my bed with them around me. You don't step on another Man's Claim, They respect the Claim that Bear have laide on me special since he place a ring on my hand, I can see Runt standing so he see my chest, and I know he is counting my breaths of air.

"NUTTS" I hear Bear voice and I close my eyes I know that my brothers will tell him what's going on.

"LIVING-ROOM" I hear Numbnutts call back and I hear the step of my love but he is not alone.

"We have got her to eat a little but not Much" Runt say and they know I hate eating when I'm sick.

"Why is he hold her Wrist?" I hear Knuckles voice and I can tell his worried.

"He is keep track of her pulse, I guess they have done that since she landed" I hear Psycho say and I guessing Psycho have to explain our rules to Bear.

"Asswipe have keep it since She landed" I hear Runt speak and I hear his voice is strained as he speak, I know that I scared the shit out of my brothers.

"What are you doing?" I hear Knuckles speak again I still keep my eyes close as I'm trying to go over what happen or a reason for me to react like this.

"Keeping track of her breathing, to make sure that her Breathing is steady, if it's not we have to get her to the hospital" Runt say and this was one of the Doctors agreement to allow us to slip out of the medical bay.

"Don't Dragon have a system that Everyone have a Job if someone is hurt" Psycho say and I hear step and I feel that someone is stroking my cheek Bear most believe that I'm asleep.

"Hey love" I hear Bear say in a whisper and I see he look worried and I give him a smile.

"Let's get you to bed" I hear him say and I slowly shake my head and I know that Runt knows why I don't want to be in my room.

"She don't want to be alone, and if she get in bed We can't make sure that she is okay" Runt say and I see Bear turn to look at Runt and then back at me.

"Love you need your rest, What if Runt sit with you?" Bear ask and I see Runt stand taller, for a Dragon to ask another Man to sit with their Flame or Ember is a honor, that means that You are trusted with the treasure of his life, the Flame that keep him safe and burning strong. I know that Bear don't understand it but The dragons understand that out of everyone here, Even Psycho, he trust Runt the most, I give Runt the okay for it.

"Okay lets get you to bed" Runt say and I see him walk up to me and he gently lift me up.

Runt is carry me with the blankets around me up to my room and I know that he will stay with me until Bear come up here and take over, I feel Runt lay me down in the bed and he make sure that my pillow is fluffed up and that I have water and salted Crackers, he make sure that I have anything that I would need with in reach, Runt make sure that I'm laying comfortable in the bed.

"OUT" I hear a voice growl and I see that Shelby and Belly stand in the room.

"NOW" Shelby growl and I see her walk up to Runt and she pull out a small gun, I frown as she point it to at Runt's head.

"I have permission to stay with her Ember" Runt say and I see that he is not looking at Shelby or Belly.

"Yes We know, But We have to talk to her NOW OUT" Belly say and she scream Now out to Runt and I see him look at me.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now