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I'm getting in the truck and I see that a few of the men is getting on their bikes and they are following us as Fucker is driving and I sitting in the middle of the truck and Asshole is closes to the door and Tits is driving his car with Duck-duck and Psycho is driving his bike and I know that he will be there as a member of the Black soul Mc, not as a dragon, I see the bikes are coming up behind us Tits are driving behind our truck and behind Tits truck. I'm see them follow us and I know that Assholes truck have the box that we will need for this, I know that Pussy will have his fun and I see them park outside a cabin that I know belong to Tits family, Few know this and I see Asshole jump out of it and he holding a box that contains food and I see Fucker grab the box from the back of the Truck.

"Don't worry your Truck is at Tools" Fucker tells me and I nod to him happy that he got my truck back home. I see Pussy sitting outside and smoking, this is something we all started doing in the Marine's I don't know why but we did it, and I see him smirk at us.

"Brought you Breakfast" Asshole say and I see Pussy take the box.

"she is inside and sleeping" he say and as he get up.

"You want me to wake her up telling she have guest?" I hear him ask with smile as I see the Bikers come and I see Pussy walk back inside.

We are walking in after him and I grab the can of Gasoline, and I see Fucker smirk as he see the Can and he smirk at this and We are walking against the cabin and I know that my arm is not really broken it's just make sure that I'm not hurting my arm more.

"Sis" I hear Viking call out and I hold up my hand and shake my head.

"Okay" Viking say and I walk straight into the cabin and I see that Pussy sitting in the Stairs eating his breakfast and I see the girl come out of the off the Bedroom and I see her Freeze up and I grab her arm and I see Fuckers pull the Chair to the middle of the floor.

I drag her to the chair and I see Fucker help tie her to the Chair as I'm holding her and I see them look at us.

"I'm not touching her" I hear Fucker say as I'm see the bikers coming as Fucker speak and I see them looking at us.

I see Fucker take the seat at one off the chairs and I see Asshole stand leaning on against the pilar and then I see Tits smirking as he sit upon a table and with his feet on the chair, I see each of the Bikers come in to the cabin and I see them looking at us the way we have take the place around the room.

"From the morning Fire, We were born since the first Flight across the Sky, We spread Terror and fear, Our wings are the Blackest black our eyes the brightest yellow like the Morning Fire, We are born from. The smoke that escape from our nostril is showing our Future of death and destruction The fire we breath bring life to the phoenix flight and so is the Circle complete" We are saying together this is one thing I can say right way as long as they are saying it with me.

"Didn't your mother Taught you to not to invite the Devil?" I ask and I see her looking at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I hear her ask and I see the fear in her eyes.

"You have no idea who the fuck you fucked with" Fucker say and I see her looking at us, but she don't say a word and I see Tits looking at her.

"You get one only chance to speak" Tits say and I see her looking at Pussy.

"Oh don't look at me" Pussy say as he eat and smirking at her.

"But" she say and I want to laugh since Pussy only did what he was asked.

"I only did what I was asked to, to keep you comfortable at any cost, I didn't have to fuck you" Pussy say and go back to eat his breakfast as I kick the chair so she fall backward and I grab the Rag that was on the table and I straddle her so I'm holding her still and I place the rag over her head.

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