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I'm looking at my brothers laying on their beds, in the hut we have called home, I have just finish the call with my sister she is not doing good, I going over it in my head, I have to choose, One go home and then not be there for Three Years, or stay and come home when they are around Five months. I want to be there for my sister, I never allow her to go thru this alone, I see Pussy turn to me.

"Okay there Fucker?" he ask and I turn to him.

"No, I'm far from okay" I tell him and I see Asshole turn around and put down the book he was reading, and I see him watching me.

"Worried about Bitch?" Asshole say and I nod as I reach over to the to lap my laptop and I have to check in with My sister.

"Yeah, She didn't look that good, I'm going to call Mutt, Because if Runt is with Tiny Mutt will be there" I tell him and I see them look at me.

"Fucker, Come on, Just talked to Tiny, Come on brother talk to us" Pussy say and I put my laptop down.

"I don't know If I'm doing the right thing, I know that If I stay The Child will be 5 months when we get back, or miss Three Fucking Years of their life" I growl and I see them looking at me.

"Why don't we call Cody" Asshole say and I see him get on his laptop and I see him calling.

"Why would you call him" Pussy ask as we hear the Ringing from the laptop.

"Dragons do you know what the fucking time is?" I hear Cody's voice he know that we will call and call until he answer.

"Fucker is up the wall" Pussy say and I throw a empty bottle at him for that.

"Well from what Sarge said, he was on the breaking point of hijacking the helicopter" Father of the Dragons say and I sit down on my bed, They know us so well.

"The two choose You gave us is there a time limit on them?" Pussy ask and I see Asshole take up his book again.

"No there was on time limit on it, But Please make sure to tell me before Fucker take the helicopter" I hear Cody say and I know he just want us to stay here.

"I will try but you know if Fucker go we all go, That's Our sister" Pussy tell him, and I think about it.

"I will try to stay here Cody but if I don't get a hold of My sister I'm going home, I don't care if you are putting me in prison or kicking me out, If I can't get a hold of my sister that means that something is wrong" I growl and I hear them groan from where I'm sitting.

"They have Dragon watch on her, Runt have the honor, so he and Mutt are staying at the Dragon home nest, 24 hours she is not alone. So please try more than once to get in contact with her" Chirs say and I nod as I hear this even if they don't see me.

"If I don't get a hold of my sister I'm going Sir, I don't mean any disrespect sir But We where there for one and other when our parents pass away, We when thru Basic together, We when thru Dragon training together, We have gone thru hell and Back together, MY Sister is pregnant with her first Child, and I'm not going to allow her to go thru that alone" I growl and I get up and I walk out of the Hut and I know that the Officer here know that Something is wrong with us Dragons because we have been come more angry.

I walk thru the base I'm so fucking piss off, I'm not angry that my sister is pregnant I'm piss off that I'm not there to help her. I just want to be there to help her, to make sure that she okay, I'm walking around and I know that I need to do something and I'm walking over to where the Gunny who are responsible for us are housed and I start banging on the his door and I hope that he will understand I don't know If he know that Tiny is pregnant, I see the door open and I see him look at me.

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