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I'm looking at Shelby as The Dragon show us a room where we can rest and Shelby is getting ready for bed and I'm looking at her as she come to my bed and she smile, I can't believe that she would obey Bear when he called upon her to help him with Sarah, I know that She and Sarah haven't got along, but I understand that Shelby know more than me and I haven't still asked her about the way she pushed me to step up when she called me.

"Shelby?" I ask and she turn around looking at me.

"Yes?" she answer and I sit up in the bed as she come walking over to the bed and sit down next to me.

"Did you know?" I ask her and she looking at me as I ask her the question.

"Know what?" Shelby ask and she smile at me.

"What Tiny was going to do? And what did it mean?" I ask and she sigh as she looking at me.

"not really, but I knew that she would explain to her brothers, and you can't show fear with them, They have no fear. Duke. You told me that you bleed with her, and that your blood was mixed, that make you a Blood brother, a Trusted Ally someone that Every Dragon can trust with their life" Shelby tell me and she take my hand that Tiny cut and she trace the wound in my hand.

"What do this mean?" I ask and She is looking at me.

"That means that each of Them will trust you with their life, they will know that you are a brother that bleed with one of them" She say and I'm looking at her as she take my hand.

"And that with Viking?" I ask and I see her smile.

"Bitch have trouble speaking so with her cutting her hand and flinging it across a mans face tells them that he is Blood important, meaning Family, He is important enough to have the Dragon Tracker on him, and Showing the Dragon that Viking is Blood important to her, and When she called upon you I knew that she would tell them you are blood blended, I knew I didn't have time to tell you so I just pushed you to step forward and with the Cut on her hand and grip your Cut blending your Blood with hers, show them that you are trusted, Duke" she say and I'm pull her into my lap as she speak.

"What do Blood blending means to a Dragon?" I ask and I see her smile.

"It means more than you think, Psycho is a Dragonlinger he have bleed with you but he is a Dragonlinger not a Dragon, Bitch is the Mother of the Dragon even if you where kidnapped with her, you show yourself strong and you keep your silence when they hurt you and Bitch, you didn't break, you stayed strong" Shelby say and I nod as she lay her head no my shoulder.

"This means that they will trust you when you tell them something so don't lie to them" she say and I lay down in the bed with her.

"I know they are strange up trust me, they respect you" she say and with that we falling asleep, I know that I need to talk to Bear before I put my tag on Shelby, I have talked to her about it and she just gave me a smile when I told her that I was planning to make her my old lady.

The sleep in the nest as Tiny call it is always good, The Guest rooms are really good and I know now why Tiny always place me in this room, I wake up with something jumping on the bed and I hear whining.

"SKYLA" I Hear Hawk's yelling and I open my eye to see Skyla jumping on the bed.

"Skyla enough" Shelby growl and Skyla stop jumping and she run out of my room.

"look's like it's breakfast" Shelby say as she pull herself out of bed.

We are walking down to the Kitchen where the Dragons are getting breakfast on the table and I can tell that they have been up for hours and I see that the man in the Wheelchair looked piss off.

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